Using Marriage as Bait : Chapter 55

October 18, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

Bonus Chapter after a long time lol~
Chapter 55: Very Seductive

Lu Junting’s body was perfectly toned, his muscles defined with a streamlined beauty that caught Lin Xiyu’s eyes. Her face flushed involuntarily as she stared at him.

Why does he have to take his clothes off just to talk? It’s so embarrassing, she thought.

But Lu Junting wasted no time in showing her that he didn’t just intend to talk with his shirt off. He lifted her effortlessly and sat her on the bed, spreading her legs so she was straddling him. 

The shame of the position made Lin Xiyu squirm with discomfort, her eyes glaring at him with a mixture of shyness and reproach. “What are you doing? The child is waiting downstairs,” she protested.

Yet Lu Junting remained composed, as though this was nothing more than a conversation.

“Tell me, when did you start liking me?”

“I… it was a long time ago,” she stammered.

“The time at the Changheng annual banquet, was that also for me?” he asked, his voice steady.


“And when we ran into each other at Moon Bay, were you following me?” 


Her shy, delicate appearance was too endearing for him to resist. He smiled slightly, as if negotiating, “Let’s change positions, alright?”

He sounded serious like he was really discussing something important. Lin Xiyu, still flustered, asked innocently, “What position?”

Without warning, he flipped her over, pinning her beneath him. His tone was still calm, but his breath had become noticeably warmer. 

“Like this.”


How could he be such a scoundrel? Their child was still downstairs, and yet he wouldn’t stop. In the end, they even had their dinner in bed because he simply wouldn’t let her go.

As for the issue with the forum post, Lu Junting had the matter mostly figured out within three days. He knew who was behind it. Although the person’s target wasn’t specifically his wife, Lin Xiyu had been used, and that was something Lu Junting would never let slide.

To celebrate Lin Xiyu’s successful collaboration with Changheng, the Changheng Marketing Department organized a banquet. The event was held in the Changheng hall, with chairs removed and tables of drinks and food set around the room. In attendance were Lin Xiyu, members of the marketing team, and several Changheng executives. Even Lu Junting made an appearance to offer his congratulations.

Just a few minutes before the banquet officially began, Lu Junting arrived. He Shuo brought Lin Xiyu over to toast him.

He Shuo said, “President Lu, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us. On behalf of the marketing department, I’d like to express our gratitude. I’ll down my drink in one go, and you can drink at your leisure.” After finishing his sentence, He Shuo tipped his head back and downed the drink in one go.

Lu Junting took a small sip of his own drink and replied, “Manager He, you’re being too polite.”

After he spoke, his gaze naturally landed on Lin Xiyu. Lin Xiyu found it awkward to interact with Lu Junting in such an official setting. He was so composed and formal in public, so different from the teasing and intimate man he was in private.

She couldn’t bring herself to say anything too official, so she simply raised her glass and said, “I’m grateful for the opportunity you've given me, President Lu. Here’s to you.”

“To you, Ms. Lin.”

His gentlemanly and proper demeanor, which was so different from his usual playful self, made Lin Xiyu feel a bit awkward. She quickly lowered her head and took a sip of wine to mask her unease.

After finishing his drink, Lu Junting continued, “I’m not just here to congratulate Ms. Lin on her partnership with Changheng today; there’s also something I’d like to clarify to everyone.”

Just as Lu Junting finished speaking, someone suddenly stepped forward and said, “Before the banquet begins, could I trouble President Lu to give me a few minutes to address something?”

Lu Junting looked at Wu Lin, who had stepped forward. He hadn’t expected him to jump in so eagerly. With a sly smile hidden in his eyes, Lu Junting politely asked, “What would you like to address, Vice Manager Wu?”

Wu Lin replied, “It’s indeed something to be happy about that Changheng’s billboard deal has been finalized, especially for our marketing department. However, a few days ago, an unsavory post appeared on the company forum. Whether or not it’s just rumored, I believe this issue should be thoroughly investigated before we continue the celebration. After all, if outsiders hear allegations of senior management abusing their positions for personal gain, it could damage Changheng’s reputation.”

Wu Lin spoke with a righteous air as if he was truly concerned about the company's well-being. But Lu Junting, who had already figured out what was going on, looked at him as if he were nothing more than a clown performing an act.

Wu Lin’s ambition was painfully obvious. Trying to pull a stunt like this in front of Lu Junting? He was still far too inexperienced.

Lu Junting said, “I was just about to address this issue when Vice Manager Wu interrupted.”

Wu Lin's expression stiffened, and he quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, President Lu.”

Lu Junting continued, “I saw the forum post as well and had it investigated.”

Wu Lin had been discreet in his actions. He knew that even if an investigation took place, it wouldn’t trace back to him. However, he was confident the photos on the forum could still ruin the reputations of those two people.

Lu Junting took the documents from Zhou Jin’s hand and added, “We traced the IP of the person who posted it to Canada. I happened to have friends there, and they managed to get the person to talk. It turns out that someone instructed him to make that post.”

Wu Lin, who had been waiting to enjoy the spectacle, felt his heart sink. But then he reassured himself, believing that the person would never talk that easily.

Just as that thought crossed his mind, Lu Junting calmly said, “Vice Manager Wu, the person revealed that it was you who instructed them to post it.”

Wu Lin froze and immediately looked at Lu Junting. Zhou Jin then played the video, which showed the person in tears, speaking in English about how Wu Lin had directed him to post the information.

“Vice Manager Wu, do you have anything to say?” Lu Junting asked again.

Wu Lin forced himself to stay calm. He had anticipated this possibility and said, “I admit that I was the one who ordered it. However, I did so because I couldn’t stand Manager He’s abuse of his position. He and Ms. Lin have known each other for a long time but pretended not to. He gave her special treatment, allowing her to win the collaboration with Changheng. If everyone in the company starts following his example, wouldn’t Changheng fall into chaos?”

“First of all, let’s not talk about how secretly taking photos of others is illegal. Secondly, I had those photos analyzed—they were digitally altered. And as for your claim that Manager He gave Ms. Lin special treatment, I distinctly remember being the one who first approved Ms. Lin’s design, after which you all agreed to use it. If we’re talking about special treatment, shouldn’t the one responsible be me?”

Wu Lin's face was filled with panic. He quickly replied, “President Lu did give a positive evaluation of Ms. Lin’s design, but the final decision to use her design was still Manager He’s.”

“The marketing department’s decision to use Ms. Lin’s design had to go through me for final approval. So, Vice Manager Wu, are you suggesting that I too engaged in favoritism?”

“I never meant it that way,” Wu Lin stammered, feeling sweat form on his palms. Speaking under the pressure of Lu Junting’s presence was incredibly taxing. “You and Ms. Lin aren’t a couple, so how could there be favoritism?”

Lu Junting narrowed his eyes slightly. “How does Vice Manager Wu know that Ms. Lin and I aren’t a couple?”

Lu Junting’s words were delivered calmly, but Wu Lin felt immense pressure in every word. He couldn’t quite grasp the meaning behind Lu Junting’s question.

Uncertain, but knowing no one would dare accuse the boss of favoritism, Wu Lin replied, “A man of your caliber, President Lu, could hardly be associated with a woman like Ms. Lin, who relies on her looks to get ahead.”

Wu Lin never expected that his attempt to flatter would backfire so spectacularly.

Lu Junting immediately pulled Lin Xiyu into his arms, and in front of all the high-ranking executives of Changheng, he declared, “Since there are so many people here today, let me formally introduce Ms. Lin Xiyu to you. She is my wife. If we’re talking about special treatment, it’s the special treatment I give her.”

As soon as he said this, gasps of shock filled the room. Wu Lin was completely stunned. He looked back and forth between Lu Junting and Lin Xiyu, unable to connect the two in his mind.

Lu Junting then asked, “What’s the matter, Vice Manager Wu? Do we not look like a couple?”

Wu Lin was so terrified that he almost forgot to breathe. He hurriedly said, “P-President Lu, I really didn’t know…”

His mind was in complete disarray.

Lu Junting continued, “Vice Manager Wu, you secretly took photos and slandered and defamed my wife. How do you think I should handle this?”

Wu Lin’s face turned pale, and he opened his mouth but couldn’t utter a single word.

Lu Junting didn’t want to waste more words on him and called security to take him away. Even though Wu Lin’s uncle was a shareholder in Changheng, he was just a shareholder with a bit of influence but no decision-making power. After a series of reforms, all decision-making authority lay in Lu Junting's hands. Dealing with a minor vice manager like Wu Lin was a simple task, and no one dared to object.

Lu Junting addressed the crowd, “That was just a small interruption. The drinks and food are ready, so please enjoy yourselves. The marketing department has performed exceptionally well this year, and there will be a special bonus at the end of the year.”

His words reignited the enthusiasm among the previously shocked crowd. Cheers of “Thank you, President Lu!” filled the room.

Amidst the excitement, Lu Junting led his wife out of the hall. Back in the office, Lin Xiyu asked, “Why did you suddenly make our relationship public?”

Lu Junting raised an eyebrow, a faint smile on his face. “You didn’t like it?”

“You didn’t even discuss it with me! I wasn’t prepared at all. I was completely stupid.”

“It’s fine. Even if you were stupid, no one would dare say anything.”


What kind of reassurance was that? Lin Xiyu sat on the couch, a bit displeased.

Seeing her pouty expression, Lu Junting actually found it quite adorable. He softened his tone and said, “Come here.”

“What for?”

“Let me give you a hug.”

Lin Xiyu was about to obediently go over for a hug but then paused. Why should she go just because he beckoned? So, she said, “If you want a hug, come over here yourself.”


Quite the attitude, Lu Junting thought, recalling how she used to avoid him.

“Your courage has grown, hasn’t it?”

She ignored him, her face saying, ‘Take it or leave it.’ Being used to others accommodating him, Lu Junting didn’t hesitate long before giving in.

Fine, fine, he’d go to her.

He walked over, sat beside her, and with one long arm, pulled her into his embrace. He reassured her, “Alright, don’t be mad. At least now everyone knows who you are, so no one will dare spread rumors about you anymore.”

Lin Xiyu wasn’t really upset that he revealed their relationship. What had irked her was his earlier comment. “Even if you were stupid, no one would say anything.” She didn’t mind calling herself stupid, but she didn’t want him to call her that.

But now that her husband was hugging her, she didn’t want to be difficult anymore. Snuggling into his arms, she asked, “Do you think people will gossip about you?”

“Gossip about what?”

“About you deliberately giving me the opportunity.”

“You’re my wife. Isn’t it natural for me to give you opportunities?”

“Won’t people say you’re using your position for personal gain?”

“This company is mine. What I say goes. If they don’t like it, they can pack up and leave.”


Isn’t her husband a bit too headstrong? But somehow, this cocky attitude of his was rather attractive. She couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

Lu Junting: “......”

After being ‘taken advantage of,’ Lu Junting immediately straightened his expression and said, “Should I remind you not to kiss me out of the blue?”

“Huh? What’s wrong with kissing you?”

Lu Junting suddenly leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear, and in a low, husky voice, he whispered, “Be careful, or you might set yourself on fire.”



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