Using Marriage as Bait : Chapter 52

September 07, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

Bonus chapter today, happy reading~
Chapter 52: Cherish You

However, Lu Junting didn’t really kiss her. He asked softly, “Where do you plan to go tomorrow?”

Lin Xiyu thought about it and said, “Let’s go to the Lu family.”

Lu Junting said, “Alright.”

This kind of thing was not good to ask Lu Junting, but she could ask Aunt Yao. Even if his mother really abused him when he was a child, even Shen Jimei could investigate it. She thought Aunt Yao should also know something.

After lunch the next day, the family went to the Lu family together. Lin Xiyu greeted her grandparents and then went to the Third family’s house on the pretext of talking to Aunt Yao. After all, she grew up in the Third family’s house, which was more like her natal family. Lu Junting didn’t suspect anything when she went to talk to Aunt Yao.

After arriving at the Third family’s house, Lin Xiyu directly pulled Zhang Yao to the room she used to live in. Her secretive appearance made Zhang Yao realize that Lini Xiyu’s visit to her was not a good thing.

“Xixi, what’s wrong?”

“Aunt Yao, I have something to ask you.”

When Zhang Yao saw her serious expression, she immediately had a bad premonition. She had the same expression last time when she came to ask about the Lin family’s debt.

“You.. what are you going to ask me?”

“I want to ask you about Brother Junting’s mother.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Yao gasped. Just as she was afraid that someone might accidentally hear her, Zhang Yao whispered, “Why are you asking this for nothing?”

Lin Xiyu heard very little about Lu Junting’s mother. She only knew that she died when Junting was very young and the Lu family didn’t talk much about her.

After all, Lin Xiyu didn’t usually ask about the other family’s mother, so she was never curious about what kind of person Lu Junting’s mother was. She only knew a little about her.

“Aunt Yao, I want to know if Brother Junting’s mother abused him when he was a child?”

Her words shocked Zhang Yao. She hurriedly walked over to the window to look outside and closed it before she came over. She lowered her voice to say quickly, “Where did you hear these words? You can’t talk nonsense in the Lu family.”

Lin Xiyu: “...”

Zhang Yao’s fierce reaction made Lin Xiyu want to know the truth of the matter even more. Lin Xiyu hurriedly said, “Aunt Yao, if you know something, please tell me.”

“Don’t ask me anymore. There are some things I can’t tell you.”

“Aunt Yao, brother Junting hasn’t been in good spirits lately. I’ve vaguely heard that it’s related to the trauma he suffered when he was a child. I want to find out about it to help him.”

It was obvious that Zhang Yao felt embarrassed. “This… How can I say this?”

“Junting is my husband. I can’t ask him about these things for fear of poking his scars. Please tell me, Aunt Yao. I just want to know more about him.”

Zhang Yao was torn. She walked around the room with a complicated expression and finally sighed, as if she had compromised.

“Speaking of which, my sister-in-law is actually quite unfortunate. She and my eldest brother had a business marriage. They had no relationship at first, but she fell in love with my eldest brother after the marriage. At that time, my eldest brother was always away and she thought he had someone outside. So, she became suspicious. He stayed away from her without any trouble, so she vented all her resentment on Junting. Junting would be beaten to a terrible state by her every day. That’s not all. She even sent photos to my eldest brother after the beatings as a way to get back at him.”

After listening to these words, Lin Xiyu did not know how to feel in her heart. It seemed that Shen Jimei really did not lie to her. Lu Junting really suffered abuse as a child. She couldn’t imagine that someone as proud as Lu Junting would be abused as a child by his own mother.

Lin Xiyu added. “Isn’t there anyone taking care of it? Where are grandpa and grandma?”

“At that time, your grandpa had already retired and had taken grandma back to the countryside. My sister-in-law was a strong-willed person and we didn’t even bother to make a trip to the main building when she was still there and didn’t know about it. My eldest brother married my sister-in-law in a rush back then. He already had a lover before then, so he didn’t care much about Junting. He always knew about Junting’s beating and never told anyone about it, nor did he solve it. He just let it go. It was only later that your Uncle Liang unintentionally found out that Junting had been beaten before he told your grandparents about it. Because of this, Junting has taken care of your Uncle Liang in many ways over the years.” Zhang Yao sighed as she said this. “Junting is also a child who remembers gratitude.”

“Abusing the child was not enough. My sister-in-law was also cruel enough. Just say she hated my eldest brother, why did she have to put her resentment on a child? Later, she even committed suicide before Junting. At that time, Junting was only in his teens. How did a teenage boy feel when he saw his mother die before him? I don’t know how much psychological damage this incident has caused to Junting.”

Lin Xiyu only felt a heavy heart when she came out of the Third family’s house. She really didn’t expect Lu Junting to have gone through this. Being abused by his own mother, but his own father didn’t care. It was not enough. He also watched his own mother die in front of him.

Lin Xiyu considered how she would handle the situation if she were in it. She recalled a time when her mother yelled at her for making a mistake, which had made her extremely upset. If her mother had continued to hit her for an extended period while her father ignored her, she felt like she wouldn't be able to endure it and might not survive.

She had grown up being loved by her parents and had suffered none of this before. Just thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable and suffocating. Lu Junting was still a child at that time. How did he endure it?

Lin Xiyu sat at the door of the Third family’s house for a long time until her emotions slowly calmed down. Then she returned to the main building.

Lin Xiyu acted as if nothing had happened, walking over to chat and laugh with everyone. She glanced at Lu Junting occasionally, who was also chatting with his grandfather.

There was not the slightest pessimism to be seen at all. He was calm and relaxed, and his body was full of generosity and confidence. Seeing him in such a good state, it was impossible to imagine that such a person had ever suffered any misery. There really wasn’t a hint of having been abused by life at all. If those words hadn’t been told to her by Aunt Yao, she would have thought that the person in Aunt Yao’s story had nothing to do with Lu Junting.

They had dinner at Lu’s house and left in a nanny car. The nanny's car was spacious, and the child sat in the child's seat in the middle. She and Lu Junting sat on either side. Without the hustle and bustle of being in the Lu’s house, the surroundings suddenly quieted down. As soon as it did, emotions couldn’t be hidden, and the sadness that Lin Xiyu felt because of what had happened to Lu Junting became clear.

She looked at the man with an aching heart. Lin Xiyu walked around the baby and held his hand on the armrest.

A small, soft hand wrapped suddenly around his large hand, causing Lu Junting to look toward her subconsciously. Lin Xiyu said nothing and smiled at the look he gave her.

Like a flower in spring that had drunk its fill of sunshine, the petals all blossomed open, and each petal had a warm, melting feeling of being fed by the sun. 

Lu Junting originally thought that she held his hand because she had something to say to him, but the girl just looked at him without saying a word. The gentle gaze seemed to turn into a wisp of warm wind that flowed from her every move. Her brief look was really pleasing to his eyes. He simply leaned his head against the back of the chair and turned his head toward her to take a good look.

His eyes were deep. When he stared so straight at people, the gaze had a sharp feeling. Lin Xiyu was uncomfortable by his look and lowered her head, but only when she lowered it down. The man’s long, slender fingers reached over and pinched her chin to lift her face. He lifted her face to face him.

Lin Xiyu glared at him. Her beautiful eyes were sparkling, and her tone was coquettish. “What are you doing?”

She was obviously the one who seduced him first. So why did she ask him?

“Only you are allowed to look at me, but I’m not allowed to look at you?”

The little girl avoided his eyes. “I’m not looking anymore.”

Lu Chengmao sat in the middle of his mother and father. He was still a very young child. He didn’t know that he was as annoying as a light bulb now. He didn’t know that his parents had stuffed with dog food him and only felt that his father and mother were interacting with each other. It was so interesting and the child felt very happy. He started to giggle after seeing his father and his mother.

Lu Junting looked down at his silly son and said, “Why are you laughing? It’s not like I’m teasing you.”

However, this little guy was quite cute when he smiled, so Lu Junting couldn’t help but scratch his neck with his fingers. The little guy was tickled, so he curled up his neck to laugh even louder.

When Lin Xiyu saw this, she burst into laughter and said, “My Little Baby is like me, has itchy skin all over his body.”

She didn’t say Lu Junting hadn’t remembered it yet, but it was true that both mother and son were itchy and untouchable. They couldn’t bear to be scratched. The little guy was unconvinced when his father tickled him, so he stretched out his little fat hand to scratch his father’s, but the little guy couldn’t reach it. So, his father still used his hand to scratch him. The child scratched his neck for a long time and his father didn’t even make a sound. The little guy’s eyes widened, and he asked in confusion, “Why doesn’t daddy feel ticklish?”


The little guy added, “Then, why do I feel ticklish ah?”

“Your mom has it. You were born by your mom, so you have it too.”

The little guy nodded in understanding. “So do I have to be closer to Mommy?”

Lu Junting felt a little sad when heard these words. Anyway, he finally understood that he helped the little girl raise his son. No matter how much he cared about him, he would only get closer to his mother.

The point was that there was nothing to say when others were heartbroken, but there was nothing to say about his heartbroken.

Lin Xiyu pinched her son’s little cheeks and said, “You are mom’s and mom is dad’s. So, we’re all daddy’s and we're all close to Daddy.”

The Little Baby nodded and said with a smile, “We are all close to Daddy.”

With such a simple sentence, the heartbroken old father Lu Junting instantly felt better. That was right, the little one and the big one all belonged to him anyway.

They all belonged to Lu Junting’s family.

Back at home, Lin Xiyu went to wash up first. She opened the cabinet above the sink and was about to get skin care products. Her eyes swept to the medicines inside. For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Shen Jimei had said.

Lin Xiyu took that calcium tablet and opened the bottle. Inside was a white tablet, which looked a bit like calcium tablets. She picked it up and smelled it. It had no smell and she couldn’t tell it apart.

She opened the bottle of fish oil and was surprised that there were capsules inside. She had seen fish oil before, capsules filled with oil, but the capsules inside this bottle of fish oil were filled with powder.

While she was wondering, Lin Xiyu heard footsteps coming. She turned her head and saw that Lu Junting had walked in. Lin Xiyu was a little embarrassed when she was found rummaging through someone else’s medicine.

She coughed lightly and then asked her doubts. “Why is this fish oil a powder?”

Lu Junting’s face didn’t change much as he said, “That’s not fish oil.”

“Not fish oil, that’s…”

“I haven’t been sleeping very well since, and it’s filled with some tranquilizers.”

Lin Xiyu nodded. So, that’s how it was. She then looked toward the bottle with the calcium tablets. It wasn’t filled with calcium tablets either, right? She remembered that Shen Jimei told her that Lu Junting was taking some medication and she couldn’t ask questions. He deliberately used these bottles to cover it up, probably because he didn’t want her to know.

Lin Xiyu put the bottle back as she walked up and hugged the man’s waist, saying, “Are you still taking this medicine recently?”

Lu Junting rubbed her head. He felt that she was as well-behaved as a small animal. “I’ve been sleeping pretty well lately. I haven’t eaten much.”

There was a time when Lin Xiyu found that there was not much medicine used in his bottle, and he told her that there was no need to take it. This incident happened to be the time after they had shared a room.

“Junting, don’t put so much pressure on yourself, and don’t get so tired. You’ve done well enough. The child and I are proud of you.”

Lu Junting didn’t have too deep feelings about the word family before. His closest family members were just like that anyway. But since he married her and had Chengmao, he truly felt that he had a family. A family that belonged to him. They were his family, a family that was inseparable from him.

Lu Junting directly picked her up. He carried her and placed her on the bed, gently kissed her lips a few times, and said, “As long as you sleep next to me, nothing will happen to me.”

“Ah?” Lin Xiyu was shocked. “Is it okay to just sleep next to you?”



Lin Xiyu didn’t expect that she had a tranquilizing effect?

In the middle of the night, Lin Xiyu leaned softly in Lu Junting’s arms. Lu Junting wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked, “Why are you sweating so much?”

“Isn’t it because you had to make trouble for so long?”


Lu Junting patted her on the back with gentle movements, as if he were coaxing a child. “It’s my fault for making my baby work hard.”

The word ‘baby’ came out of his mouth with a sense of contrast, and it seemed particularly doting. Lin Xiyu was like a child being spoiled by him as she rolled in his arms and asked, “Junting, was I good to you when I was a child?”

He took her hand and kissed the corner of her mouth as he said, “En.”

“Then I’ll have to be nicer to you from now on, otherwise you will only remember me when I was a child, and you won’t remember me when I’m older.”

In Lu Junting’s life, the greatest pleasure and the greatest pain were all given by this woman. How could he forget her?

“Don’t mention it.”

Lin Xiyu felt that he was very docile at this moment. She couldn’t help but touch his face as he was very cooperative and rubbed his face on her palm. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was enjoying it. It was almost like the small animal that responded to its owner’s caresses. The mighty beast suddenly became meek, and Lin Xiyu was surprised to see this kind of contrast.

After being surprised, Lin Xiyu felt her entire being become gentle and couldn’t help but say, “My Junting is really well-behaved ah.”

He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at her with his dark eyes. Lin Xiyu’s body stiffened as she asked, “What’s wrong?” She thought about the last time she had called him well-behaved, and he hadn’t been very happy about it. She said, “Don’t you like the adjective ‘well-behaved’?”

“What are you calling me before?”


So that’s what you care about? Lin Xiyu burst out laughing as she cupped his face with both her hands and said, “Mine ah, who else could it be? Mine, mine, my Junting.”

The words were full of possessiveness towards him. Her words pleased him so easily, and Mr. Lu’s instinctive reaction under the pleasure was to roll over and crush her underneath him in one go.

He rested his head against the nape of her neck and said with a smile, “Then I can really be well-behaved.”

Lin Xiyu felt that in the past, she could not treat Lu Junting as a small animal no matter what the situation was, but now, Lu Junting, who said he could be well-behaved, was really like a small animal. She really didn’t expect this strong man to have this side.

Lin Xiyu wrapped her arms around his neck and called him, “Junting, Junting.”

He really made her love him with this look.

However, he suddenly pulled her arm around his shoulder off and then clasped her fingers together and pressed them behind her head. This action was a bit dangerous, and she looked at him with a questioning look.

The man in front of her had a raging color of lust and a sense of aggression on his face. Where was the gentle and harmless look of the soft little creature just now?

“You shouldn’t have hugged me like that.”

He said in a hoarse voice.

Later, Lin Xiyu gritted her teeth in hatred. “You… why are you like this?”

“Don’t be angry. I’ll cherish you, okay?”


The ‘cherish’ he meant was tossing her over again.

Lu Junting found that since his wife confessed her love to him, she had become as clingy to him as when she was a child. It turned out that this little girl liked someone like this.

He didn’t know since when his wife always liked to sneak a look at him, with that especially gentle look. For example, right now, when he was getting dressed in front of the mirror and the little girl was standing behind him, looking at his back.

Not that kind of simple, gentle gaze, the gentleness seemed to also contain pity. Lu Junting couldn’t help but be surprised to see from the mirror. He didn’t understand why she looked at him like this, as if he was the kind of little animal who needed to be pitied by her.

Lin Xiyu just felt sorry for her husband ah. She felt heartbroken about all that he had suffered, so every time she saw him, her eyes inevitably carried gentleness and love.

The shirt was almost worn, so Lu Junting simply turned back to her. Lu Junting raised his wrists and buttoned the cuffs, asking her, “Do you like peeking so much?”


Caught in the Act, Lin Xiyu was a bit embarrassed. She wanted to explain that she wasn’t peeking, but then she thought that she was no longer an outsider. It didn’t matter if she glanced a few times, so she admitted frankly. “En. I just like peeking at you.”

Her look of having done something bad and still taking it for granted made Lu Junting want to laugh. He said, “No need to peek. If you want to see it later, I will show it to you.”

He lowered his head to straighten his cuffs. When he spoke, his gaze was slightly raised towards her. This action perfectly emphasized the contour of his hands. The knuckles were long and beautiful, and the slightly raised gaze made a pair of his eyes clearer. He stood upright, his shoulders were broad and his legs were long. The action of straightening his cuffs was slow and elegant.

Her husband was so good-looking that she wanted to hug him when she saw him. She thought that the man was hers anyway. So, of course, she could hug him if she wanted to. She trotted over to him and kissed him on the back of his hand as she wrapped her arms around him.

Lu Junting looked down at the girl in his arms. Oh, not only has she become fond of looking at him, but she’s also especially sticky to him. Lu Junting smiled as he asked her, “Do you think you didn’t cause trouble last night long enough?”

The little girl looked up with a puzzled look on her face. “What?” When she came back to her senses, she glared at him as if she were angry and said, “Why are you like this?”

Can’t be teased, she will get angry.

But seeing her like this made him want to tease her even more. He put his long arms around her waist, turned around suddenly, and pushed her directly against the wall next to him.

His movements were fast, steady, and strong. Lin Xiyu couldn’t even move when she was pressed against the wall. She looked at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

Lu Junting clasped her hands and placed them on both sides of her head. He leaned slightly towards her, a particularly aggressive posture.

“You’ve been acting weird lately.”

“What’s weird?”

“Always look at me with that kind of pitying look, as if I’m a pitiful person.”

Lin Xiyu secretly thought. Was it so obvious?

Lin Xiyu shook her head very calmly. “You saw it wrong. I’m clearly looking at my lover.”

The word ‘lover’ was so soothing to Lu Junting that he came closer and deliberately teased her. “Your lover wants you. Will you give it to him?”

This guy…

Lin Xiyu was afraid that this guy would misbehave. She pushed him and said, “Stop making trouble.”

The little girl seemed to be angry. What should he do when his wife is angry? Of course, he has to spoil her. Lu Junting did not tease her. He let go of her and said, “Well, it’s time to go to work.”

During this time, Lu Junting was the one who escorted Lin Xiyu to the company. She would lean into his arms and hug him all the way, but she would still look at him with a gentle look on her face.

This girl probably didn’t know that the moment she looked at him like this, he was filled with that kind of beastly thought. However, he also didn’t want this little girl to feel that being with the man she liked was just a bed sheet, so he could only forcefully hold back the impulse. He kissed her forehead gently.

She really liked it. She buried herself in his arms and laughed, unable to stop herself from laughing out loud. He also did not quite understand why girls just liked this kind of unenthusiastic kiss, which made them excited. Anyway, he was a person who pursued reality. He was strong and in his prime. When he saw the girl he loved, he just wanted to do her in bed every day.

Of course, this beastly thought couldn’t be allowed to be known to her.

The car stopped at the entrance of the club. Before getting out of the car, she suddenly came over and kissed his cheek.

She rarely took the initiative to give kisses. So, the moment she kissed him, Lu Junting was stunned. Her scent suddenly hit his nose and made him dizzy for a moment. He didn’t come back to his senses until after she left.

Lu Junting began to feel annoyed. Look at his behavior. He froze even after being kissed. He should pull her into his arms and kissed her hard before letting her go.


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