Using Marriage as Bait : Chapter 51

September 06, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

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Chapter 51: One Look and I Want to Kiss You

Lin Xiyu suddenly thought about something, and she said, “By the way, can you tell me about you and your ex-girlfriend? Why do she and I look so similar?”

Lin Xiyu originally did not want to ask about this. After all, it had been so long. But today, she talked to Lin Xiqian about the issue of a substitute. She didn’t care before, but now she had this man in her heart. She was lying if she said that she didn’t care, so she wanted to ask clearly.

He didn’t want to hide it from her in the first place. Since she had asked, then he would tell her the truth. Lu Junting said, “In those years when I was still in Changheng, some bastards who couldn’t stand me spread some unfavorable comments about me. They couldn’t attack me in business, but attacked me in my personal affairs. Because I didn’t have a girlfriend and concentrated on my work, they spread the word that I was a homosexual and said that I had a sexual fetish. Originally, I didn’t want to get involved with these rumors, but it was different when they reached my family’s ears. That year, my grandpa suffered a stroke and was not in good health. I was afraid that these rumors would affect him, so I spent money to find a girlfriend.”

Lin Xiyu remembered Lu Junting telling her that he paid for Shen Jimei. At that time, she thought he was an out-and-out liar and didn’t believe him.

“So you found someone who looks like me?”

Lu Junting nodded. “Since I want to find a fake girlfriend, why don’t I find one that looks like the girl I like? That way, I will feel comfortable looking at her.”

‘So, Ms. Shen is the substitute?’

Because he liked her, so he found a girl who looked like her as a girlfriend. Although it cost money, Lin Xiyu always felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Lin Xiyu got up from his arms and sat to the side. Lu Junting’s arms were empty, and he looked toward her with a puzzled expression.

“What’s wrong?”

“When you are intimate with Ms. Shen, you don’t think of her as me, right?”

She didn’t look at him even as she spoke. He keenly smelled the sourness in her tone. This feeling that she seemed to be jealous made Lu Junting feel good.

He pulled her into his arms, hugged her, and said, “She and I are nothing more than a transaction. How can there be intimacy?”

Hearing this, Lin Xiyu was surprised. She poked her head out of his arms. Out of surprise, her delicate brows knitted together. “You have never been intimate?” Lu Junting seemed to have only had one girlfriend, Shen Jimei, before. She suddenly had a very bold idea. This idea stunned her, and she couldn’t help but be cautious when speaking. “So… the time we… was it your first time, too?”

Lu Junting: “...”

Lu Junting felt very embarrassed. At the time he had sex with her, he was already 28 years old. The 28-year-old man was still a chick. If Xiao Zi’ang and the other group of fox and dog friends knew about it, they would probably laugh at him to death.

“It’s the first time, but my skill is still over the top, right?”


Lin Xiyu felt speechless. ‘Who would talk to him about skill issues?’ But that did surprise her. Although it was quite normal for him to have had a girlfriend at his age and had sexual experience, after all, he was the man she liked. The thought of him having had something with someone else would be more or less a bit of an uncomfortable feeling. However, if he had only had it with her, she felt that it would indeed be a pleasant surprise.

Lin Xiyu buried her face in his arms and hugged him tightly. She couldn’t hide the joy in her voice. “Junting, you’re the only one for me too.”

He also thought about this question. He had also guessed that she and Lu Junfeng had not reached that stage yet. In fact, he really wanted to ask where Lu Junfeng had touched her ‌and whether he had touched her hand or her lips, but he didn’t dare to ask, fearing that he would be jealous if she told him and that he would appear stingy. After all, it was something that happened before she got together with him. He was not qualified to ask.

“How happy is it to know that you are the only woman I have?”

He heard her laugh a few times in his arms and said, “Yes, I’m very happy.”

‘Oh, getting all possessive of him?’ Her words put him in a good mood. Not to mention that she was happy, but he was quite happy about it too. 

“By the way…” Lin Xiyu poked her head out of his arms again. “Junting, I’ve always had a question.”

“What question?”

“Since you like me, why didn’t you tell me before?”

She was shocked when he told her he liked her. Before that, she had never thought about how he could like her when the two of them rarely saw each other. When they did, they rarely spoke a word to each other.

Lu Junting said, “If I had told you earlier. You would have run away in fear. Maby you would hide even further when you saw me. Even if she got married later because of the child, she definitely was on guard against me. We probably wouldn’t have a chance to get along.”
Lin Xiyu: “...”

Lin Xiyu thought carefully. Before she fell in love with him, she was indeed quite afraid of him, avoiding him as far as she could. It didn’t seem unreasonable for him to say so.

She hadn’t really thought that he would like her, though. They were simply from two different worlds. When she thought that this man was in love with her during those days gave her a sense of an incredible feeling. She had to say that the man hid too deeply.

“How old was I when we met?” Lin Xiyu asked him again.

“3 years old.”

Lin Xiyu had heard her mother tell her that she had indeed been sent by her mother to Aunt Yao’s side for some time when she was a child. She had also attended kindergarten with Lu Yuan for some time, but she really didn’t have any memory of it at all. Of course, she also had no impression of meeting Lu Junting after this incident.

“Can you tell me what happened to us that time?”

There were some memories Lu Junting didn’t want to touch anymore, so he just vaguely said, “You often pestered me, asking me to take you to play.”

“Ah? Was I so playful when I was a child, ah?”

She looked at him with a curious face. The little girl before him seemed to overlap with the one in his memory. Lu Junting only felt a softness in his heart. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. “Yes, very playful.”

Lu Junting's seriousness made any display of favor or gentleness from him particularly impactful. A simple kiss on her forehead caused her heart to race. Lin Xiyu sought refuge in his embrace, too afraid to meet his gaze.

“Junting, are you free this weekend? Let’s take our baby out to play together.”

“I have an appointment with the president of SNC on Saturday to discuss things. I don’t want to miss the appointment, but I can go on Sunday.”

Lin Xiyu knew that Lu Junting was a person who kept his promises. What was agreed upon would not be easily changed. Business was important, so she answered, “Okay. Then we’ll go on Sunday.”

Little Baby liked to play outside and couldn’t stay at home. On Saturday, Lin Xiyu took him out early in the morning. The weather in May was still cool, so Lin Xiyu put on a fleece jacket and fleece pants for Little Baby. He also wore a wool hat with ear caps on both sides and ropes attached to the bottom of the ear caps. Lin Xiyu tied the rope under his chin, revealing a white, tender, and round face. The pair of big black eyes adorned the small fleshy face like jade snow. He appeared very satisfied with these clothes. The little guy clapped his little hands happily and looked extremely cute.

Lin Xiyu took the little guy to a calligraphy and painting exhibition. It showcased the works of the Lin family, which were auctioned after her parents passed away. Lin Xiyu excelled in both calligraphy and ink landscape painting. The painting in front of her was simple. It depicted high mountains in the distance, streams, and weeds nearby. Lin Daguo himself inscribed the words on the painting. They read, “Emerald peaks surrounded by mist, green grass frozen with white frost.”

She put Little Baby in the nursery carrier. Lin Xiyu held his two little fat legs and said to him, “See, this is your grandpa’s work. Your grandpa is a very powerful man, but mommy isn’t bad either, right?”

Little Baby immediately cheered and said, “Mommy great, mommy great.”

The more Lin Xiyu looked at her son’s little round face, the cuter she felt. She couldn’t help but give him a little squeeze on his face.

There was suddenly an extra person next to her. Lin Xiyu glanced at that person subconsciously. She thought the person was a visitor to the calligraphy and painting exhibition, but she didn’t expect it to be an acquaintance.

Lin Xiyu was surprised to see Shen Jimei here. She remembered that she had heard that Shen Jimei had committed a crime and was in jail. Why could she appear here?

Shen Jimei did go to jail. Two years ago, Shen Jimei thought Lu Junting was just scaring her, but she didn’t expect that he actually collected evidence that she embezzled public funds and sent her to prison. Originally, she received a three-year sentence, but due to her good behavior in prison and with the help of her parents, she was released after serving less than two years.

After being released from prison, Shen Jimei couldn’t swallow this breath. Over the past two years, she has re-lived, worked, and re-established contacts. She knew that she was unable to retaliate against Lu Junting, but she could still disrupt his life.

Shen Jimei was dressed stylishly, wearing sunglasses and a little perfumed suit with a jacket draped over her shoulders. She stood next to Lin Xiyu with her hands clasped over her chest. Realizing her gaze, she also looked sideways. She removed her sunglasses and asked Lin Xiyu, “Does Ms. Lin still remember me?”

“Ms. Shen?”

“Excellent memory.”

“Is Ms. Shen also here to visit the exhibition?”

“No. I’m here to see Ms. Lin.”


‘Come to find her? How did Shen Jimei know she’d be here?’ Lin Xiyu glanced at her father’s work before her, thinking that Shen Jimei had already investigated her, knowing that she was the daughter of Lin Daguo. So, Lin Daguo’s calligraphy and painting exhibition was something she would naturally come to see as a daughter. Is Shen Jimei standing guard here?

Lin Xiyu didn’t beat around the bush with her and asked her directly, “Does Ms. Shen want to see me for something?”

Shen Jimei was not in a hurry to speak, her gaze falling on the child she was holding in her arms. This child had a pair of big round eyes like Lin Xiyu, and his features didn’t look much like Lu Junting’s, but she could see Lu Junting’s shadow on his facial contour. This was indeed Lu Junting’s child.

“Ms. Shen?” Lin Xiyu reminded her.

Shen Jimei’s face grew stony. Emotions surged in her eyes, and her lips pressed into a tight line. She looked at Lin Xiyu’s face and said, “There are some things I want to talk to you alone.”

Lin Xiyu knew that she had come prepared. She thought for a moment and told the nanny, “Take the child and wait for me outside first.”

The nanny took Little Baby out, and Lin Xiyu asked, “Tell me. What do you want from me?”

However, Shen Jimei suddenly sneered and said, “Lu Junting is with you because of your face, which has a few similarities with mine. Don’t you feel uncomfortable when you look in the mirror and see this face every day?”

Lin Xiyu knew that Shen Jimei was coming here with bad intentions. So, she wasn’t too surprised when she heard this. She remained calm and said, “My parents gave this face to me and I’m grateful for it. So, how can I be uncomfortable?”

But Lin Xiyu felt strange. Lu Junting had already explained to her that his and Shen Jimei’s relationship was just a transaction, but Shen Jimei didn’t feel that way at all.

“It looks like you’re quite comfortable being someone else’s substitute.”

“Ms. Shen, you should know better than me that I’m not anyone’s substitute. However, I’m curious about how much Lu Junting paid you to be his girlfriend.”

Shen Jimei’s expression stiffened. She didn’t expect Lu Junting to even tell her about this kind of thing, but so what if he did?

Shen Jimei said, “I don’t understand what you mean by that.”

Lin Xiyu then told her straight. “Junting already told me everything about you and him. When you were together, it was just a deal. He paid you to pretend to be his girlfriend.”

Shen Jimei smiled sarcastically. “So that’s what he told you ah. You are really easy to lie. You believe whatever he says.”

“He is my husband. Of course, I’m going to trust him.”

“I don’t think you’re too old. No wonder he has tricked you. You’ve been used as a substitute and you still don’t know it. You still treat him as a good person. Your husband doesn’t love you at all, he just wants a woman to give him children. You’re really pathetic, ah.”

Lin Xiyu lowered her head and laughed. Her laugh gave Shen Jimei an uncomfortable feeling of her fist hitting cotton. She said in a cold tone, “Why are you laughing?”

“I laugh that Ms. Shen even thinks I’m pathetic. Why should I be pathetic? I don’t have in-laws to give me a hard time, and the Lu family is also very nice to me. The husband who Ms. Shen says doesn’t love me puts a huge sum of money on my card for living expenses every month, and he gives me his secondary card to swipe as much as I want. I have money; I have a child, and I can still do what I want to do. I’m happy with my life now, and Ms. Shen doesn’t have to pity me.” When she said this, her tone changed, and she suddenly said to her with a meaningful expression, “By the way, Ms. Shen, you keep saying that I’m a substitute. Even if I’m a substitute, why would Lu Junting choose me as a substitute instead of you as a real one? Ms. Shen should reflect on yourself, rather than making fun of me. There is no enmity between you and me. There is really no need to do this.”

These words were simply mercilessly poking Shen Jimei’s pain. She felt angry and clenched her hands subconsciously. If she hadn’t been afraid of Lu Junting, she might have been able to slap Lin Xiyu in the face.

However, her attitude was a surprise to Shen Jimei. This girl looked soft and weak, as if anyone could pinch her, but she was stubborn to the core. She would get hurt if she really wanted to pinch Lin Xiyu. Lin Xiyu was neither humble nor arrogant throughout the entire process. Lin Xiyu didn’t embarrass her but made herself unhappy.

Shen Jimei wasn’t too willing. She didn’t want to be at a disadvantage in front of a little girl. She clasped her hands on her chest and looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes. “It looks like Lu Junting is quite trustworthy to you. Since you trust him so much, did he tell you the truth?”

Lin Xiyu looked stern and asked her, “What do you mean?”

Shen Jimei laughed even more joyfully as she said, “It looks like you don’t know yet. Lu Junting has mental and psychological problems. I once secretly watched him take his medication and then undoubtedly discovered that he was taking some psychotropic drugs. Later, I investigated and found out that his mother abused him when he was a child. He was abused to where his brain and psyche were not normal anymore.”

This shocked Lin Xiyu. His mother abused Lu Junting when he was a child? She had never heard of this in all the years she had lived in the Lu family.

Looking at her expression, Shen Jimei laughed out loud. “So you really don’t know. Do you think it’s because Lu Junting doesn’t dare to tell you, or he doesn’t trust you at all?”

Lin Xiyu guessed that perhaps these words were this woman’s nonsense, and the truth was not as she said. She came here with bad intentions and wanted to make her unhappy. She couldn’t believe everything she said.

“Ms. Shen, it’s not your turn to interfere with the private matters between me and Lu Junting. Since you’ve broken up. Please show some self-respect, Ms. Shen. Lu Junting and I are husband and wife. If Ms. Shen comes to harass me again, don’t blame me for being rude. When the time comes, I will dump the evidence of Ms. Shen’s brazenness to destroy other people’s families in front of your family and friends, and then Ms. Shen will really lose face.”

Shen Jimei did not expect this seemingly soft little girl would have such a tough side. Of course, Shen Jimei was not stupid and would not be impulsive, so she would not leave any room for herself. After all, this little girl was still Lu Junting’s wife.

Shen Jimei accepted it and said, “I’m just reminding you with kindness. You don’t have to be angry.”

“Farewell. I don’t need Ms. Shen’s kind reminder.”

Shen Jimei was blocked for a moment. She suppressed her anger a little and said, “In that case, I’ll take my leave.”

Lin Xiyu didn’t know whether to believe Shen Jimei’s words. These words did make people feel unbelievable.

Lin Xiyu came out of the calligraphy and painting exhibition with a complex expression. It was almost noon, and Lin Xiyu took a look at the location. Changheng was not far away from this place and thought about Lu Junting and the SNC company’s cooperation meeting today. They should be rested at noon, so Lin Xiyu called Lu Junting, who picked up the phone quickly.

“Brother Junting, are you at the company?”

“No. I have a meeting outside. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I took Little Baby over for a stroll and wandered near your company, thinking of going up and having a meal with you.”

“It just so happens that Zhou Jin is going to bring me the documents over. I’ll have him go over and pick you guys up.”

Lin Xiyu said hurriedly, “No need. We won’t disturb your meeting.”

“You don’t. Come here.”


After Lin Xiyu hung up the phone, Zhou Jin came over to pick them up. Lu Junting’s place was the largest golf course in Ancheng. He came out today to discuss cooperation with David, the president of SNC. After the No. 5 chip, Lu Junting’s net worth has been rising steadily in the past two years. Now, he has become a popular figure in the technology industry, and a lot of people want to cooperate with him.

Lu Junting spread his long legs and swung a gold club with a standard posture. He took a look through the binoculars and saw that he hit the hole in one. He was pretty lucky.

Lin Xiyu followed Zhou Jin to the stadium just in time to see this scene. Lu Junting was dressed casually today, different from the calmness of suits and ties. The man in casual clothes looked much brighter.

He had broad shoulders and long legs with an elegant posture. His unique temperament allowed him to raise his hands and feet with a kind of atmosphere and self-confidence. Such a person did not look like what Shen Jimei said.

Lin Xiyu followed the assistant Zhou Jin. She put Little Baby in the nursery belt, and her hands cupped his fat little feet. Seeing his father, Little Baby struggled to come down. As soon as Lin Xiyu put him down, the little guy kicked off and ran toward his father.

Lu Junting heard the sound and turned around to see them. He was afraid that his son would fall, so he hurriedly walked forward to pick him up. He helped his son wipe the residue stained on the corner of his mouth and asked, “Eaten something delicious again?”

“Pie pie.”

“Did Mom buy it for you?”

The little guy nodded.

He held his son and didn’t rush off, waiting for Lin Xiyu to come forward, and then naturally took her hand. Lu Junting had finished talking about things, and there was originally a lunch, but he postponed it because he wanted to spend time with his wife and the child.

Lu Junting took the mother and son and also the nanny to eat first. Lin Xiyu had been hesitating whether to ask Lu Junting for confirmation, but she was afraid that, as Shen Jimei said, Lu Junting was abused by his mother when he was a child. Wouldn’t she just poke his wound if she asked directly?

She also suspected that Shen Jimei was lying to her. After all, she couldn’t see anything wrong with Lu Junting. He was very scheming. This kind of person didn’t look like he had a mental problem.

“What’s wrong with you today? It feels like you’ve been distracted.” In the car, Lu Junting asked.


“Then why are you looking at me when it’s nothing?”

“I just miss you after not seeing you for half a day.”


Lu Junting felt that she was so good at coaxing, otherwise why would her simple words put him in a good mood?

A touch of joy couldn’t stop it from showing up on his brow, and he asked, “Really?”


Presumably, to confirm her words, she also held his hand affectionately.

Lin Xiyu guessed that Shen Jimei deliberately told her that Lu Junting had mental problems. Firstly, she wanted to ridicule her because she didn’t even know Lu Junting’s true condition. Secondly, Shen Jimei hoped that she would dislike him as a psychopath and alienate him after knowing Lu Junting’s true condition.

However, Shen Jimei might have miscalculated. If it was true, as Shen Jimei said, that Lu Junting had psychological and mental problems because of the abuse he suffered, not only would she not dislike him, but she would feel sorry for him.

So, it wasn’t enough to hold him with one hand. She used both hands to wrap his large palm firmly in hers.

No matter what, she would always be by his side.

Lu Junting stared at the hand held by her for a long time without moving his eyes. She rarely took the initiative to get close to him, so even just being held by her hand was enough to make him happy. He simply liked the way she approached him, so gentle and obedient.

He took one look and wanted to kiss her.


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