The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth : Chapter 37 - Got Engaged

September 05, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

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Chapter 37: Got Engaged

Ji Ling returned home in a daze. ‘Oh, why did he agree to hold an engagement ceremony with Carlos?’

‘By the way, the old man said that if they don’t have an engagement ceremony, Jing Sui will surely realize that they’re just fooling around and will continue to pester him…’

When he went home and turned on the Internet, there were still rumors about his love triangle affair with Jing Sui and Carlos. Netizens were arguing every day and taking sides. Ji Ling would like to say, ‘Please let me go, I don’t want any of them. Really!’

But he couldn’t say anything.

It was good that he didn’t have to keep a smile on his face.

Seeing that the plot was like a wild horse out of control, Ji Ling didn’t know if the plot could still be saved, so he might as well save himself first. ‘Why should we stick to the formalities when it’s already reached this point? Isn’t it just an engagement ceremony? It’s not like we’re really married… It’s only a show for Jing Sui to see so he will give up early, and Ning Yu is still vaguely interested in Jing Sui. Maybe after he hurt Jing Sui, he will think of Ning Yu again, and then they will rekindle their old relationship?’

Thinking of this, Ji Ling reluctantly cheered himself up.

‘There is still a silver lining to his mission! Good brother Ning Yu, it’s up to you now!’

The system watched its host go from being in a trance, bewildered to regaining his composure, and suddenly felt that it was really not easy for its host, so the system comforted him: [I think Ning Yu likes Jing Sui. Good luck, you can do it!]

For the first time, Ji Ling felt that the system was so good at talking, and couldn’t help but reveal a smile from the bottom of his heart: [Thanks for the good advice, thanks for the good advice.]
The engagement ceremony was scheduled to be held three days later at Duke Carlos’s residence. By then, the entire upper echelon of the Empire’s celebrities and nobles would be in attendance. Carlos had even invited His Majesty the Emperor!
This is a naked demonstration ah!’ They looked peaceful on the surface, but in fact, the dark current was surging. Everyone was watching the situation nervously.
Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The morning of the engagement ceremony, Madam Marina got up early to help her son dress up. Although she was unwilling before, Carlos was indeed very sincere and his son was devoted to him. They could only follow their son’s wishes first and see what happens next step by step. 
Ji Ling wore navy blue velvet clothes today, with gold rims on the cuffs, making him look delicate and gorgeous. Against his fair and handsome face with azure blue eyes, he was even more eye-catching that people couldn’t take their eyes off of him.

Madam Marina took her son’s hand, with tears in her eyes, and said reluctantly, “Baby, Mom can’t let you go.”

Ji Ling: “...Mom, it’s just an engagement ceremony.” He has no plans to get married at all!

However, Madam Marina was still worried. ‘Carlos is so devoted to her son, just like a true love. Now he has already coaxed her son to fall in love with him. Can this marriage still not be possible?’
But on second thought. ‘If he’s sincere, what’s wrong if he can always be good to her son?’ Madam Marina thought about it carefully. Maybe that person was too deep and scary, so she always felt that he was not suitable for her son. She was still worried that her son would be hurt…

Ji Ling did not want to face his mother’s worried gaze, so he went out brazenly for an early death. He just wanted to finish the show early and went home to rest.

When he went out, Carlos was already waiting outside.

The elegant and mature man was wearing black clothes today. His brown hair was meticulously combed back. His handsome and deep face carried a light smile. He wore white gloves and stood there holding a silver-black cane. The gentleman stretched out his hand to Ji Ling as he said with an elegant smile, “I’m here to pick you up.”

Ji Ling inwardly felt that the engagement was too shameful and avoided Carlos’s sight, obediently being led to the car by Carlos, saying awkwardly, “Thank you, Uncle Carlos.”

Carlos sat next to Ji Ling, looking at the teenager’s ears that were reddening from shyness, thinking that in the future he would be his rightful lover. His eyes darkened a bit, and he gently stroked Ji Ling’s hair. He let out a low chuckle and said, “Don’t call me uncle in the future.”

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment, raising his eyes in confusion.

Carlos lowered his head slightly, gazing tenderly and earnestly into Ji Ling’s eyes, and said with a smile, “From now on, you’ll be my lover. If you still call me uncle, won’t it make people laugh and arouse suspicion?”

Ji Ling thought about it and felt that it made sense. Besides, it was just a matter of calling him by his first name, it wasn’t a big deal.

‘It’s what you asked me to call, not what I want to call. I can’t be considered as offending you. Hehe.’

Ji Ling changed his tone and said, “Carlos.”

Carlos looked at the teenager’s well-behaved appearance, his beautiful discerning eyes, his light-colored, soft lips, which were slightly opened as he called out his name in a clear voice… It drifted into his ears and crashed into his heart. He suddenly felt his throat tighten.

It was as if a certain impulse was about to become unstoppable at this moment. He didn’t want to continue to be polite, but wanted to press him hard under his body, listening to his cry and calling his name again and again…

Carlos took a deep breath to hide the strange look in his eyes.

It was amazing that he would one day feel such an urge because of someone who, so simply, called out his name.

Carlos closed his eyes. ‘Although you only agree to marry me out of anger now, I’m the one who used underhanded tactics to keep you by my side for the time being… but even then, you’ll never escape my grasp again.’

‘You can only belong to me.’
It didn’t take long for the car to stop at Duke Carlos’s residence.

The engagement ceremony was held at Carlos’ home. The vast manor was large enough to accommodate thousands of people attending the banquet at the same time. Countless celebrities and nobles came here early, mingling outside.

Today, this place is heavily guarded. Private guards belonging to Carlos's family could be seen everywhere. They were all high-level evolutionist whose aura was exposed. This showed that Carlos's family had a deep foundation and immense power.

Carlos attached great importance to this engagement ceremony, not allowing any accidents to happen. He had long considered all kinds of situations. This was like a private kingdom that belonged to Carlos. As long as it was what he wanted to do, no one could stop him. Only stupid weaklings would give others opportunities to take advantage of because of carelessness.

Ji Ling clicked his tongue as he watched this, thinking that Jing Sui should have given up on causing trouble. However, even if he wanted to cause trouble, it would be hard to stop the engagement ceremony from going on. After all, if Carlos didn’t have this ability, ‘how could he fight Jing Sui, who is the Emperor from the book ah?’

Carlos was not only powerful himself, his family was also powerful, but he was also careful enough to be discreet.

A formidable opponent for anyone.

Carlos gently led Ji Ling out of the car and smiled as he looked down at him. He said in a low and magnetic voice, “Allow me to introduce you to everyone, my love.”

Ji Ling’s face reddened a bit. He couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. This old man was really addicted to acting! Every word he said made people feel so embarrassed! But things had come to this point. There was no other way but to be brazen.

Carlos looked at the teenager’s almost reddened ears. That cautious and awkward look made his heart flutter even more. The corners of his lips couldn’t help but raise slightly.

Ji Ling lowered his eyes, thinking, ‘Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous. It’s just a formality.’ He walked out with Carlos as if he was dead.

As soon as he went out, he was faced with the burning eyes of everyone!

Ji Ling froze, almost unable to move forward. He wanted to retreat, but Carlos’s hand held his firmly. He glanced at him soothingly and smiled softly. “It’s okay.”

Ji Ling bit his lip, uncomfortable.

The nobles all came to congratulate Carlos, and each one of them looked at Ji Ling with burning curiosity. They had heard this dandy name before. After all, Grand Duke Ji Ting’s precious only son was still somewhat famous on the Emperor Star. However, it was not in a good way because he was usually either causing trouble or appearing in some boring entertainment gossip. 

Although Ji Ling was well known in the dandies world, in the end, he was just a dandy, and could only flaunt his power in that group of juniors. In the eyes of the nobles who really held power, he was just a naughty kid who couldn’t stand on stage. At most, they just laughed it off and would not really take him seriously.

They were on a completely different level from Ji Ling.

But now that Ji Ling was standing by Carlos’s side like this, being favored by Carlos in every way. No one dared to look down on Ji Ling, even if he was just a good-for-nothing—— ‘That’s Carlos’s fiancée!

As long as Carlos was willing to support him, his status and position were no less than any of the people here. He went straight from being a dandy who was looked down upon to an existence that was equal to that group of the dandies’ parents, and even more!

Ji Ling didn’t care what those people were thinking. He only felt very uncomfortable, and his entire body went crazy from smiling to responding to all that hypocritical smile.

When he looked around, he didn’t see any of his friends. Instead, he saw the fathers of several of his friends. This group of nobles who were the same age as his father’s generation were humbly showing a flattering smile to him at this moment.

‘What a sin! He’s a great young man, full of youth! Am I going to enter the adult world of these hypocritical uncles from now on?’

Ji Ling sighed sadly, feeling tired.

‘This baby doesn’t want to grow up yet.’

He followed the wealthy old man Carlos and walked forward purposefully, absent-mindedly dealing with the flattery of those people. Carlos was the one who spoke while he just stood there expressionlessly, smiling politely when the mood struck him, and no one said anything about him if he didn’t when he didn’t feel like it.

Ji Ling looked around unintentionally. He was suddenly startled when he saw Wen Yan in the crowd!

‘So, Wen Yan is here too?’

Ji Ling was slightly surprised, but on second thought, he was relieved. Although Wen Yan was born as a commoner, he now had the identity of the Speaker and was considered to have completely penetrated into the upper echelon of the nobility. He was naturally qualified to participate in such banquets.

Ji Ling withdrew his eyes without looking further.

Wen Yan held his wineglass, his sinister gaze swept across Carlos, and finally landed on Ji Ling’s figure. A look of suppressed pain appeared at the bottom of his eyes. The fingers holding the wine glass were very hard. He suddenly exhaled, put down the glass, and turned to walk away.

‘It’s all temporary. Eventually, he will take Ji Ling back from Carlos’s hands!
Ji Ling followed Carlos around and received countless flattery. He felt bored and uninterested, pondering that after all this time, he had shown his face when he should have. He hesitantly said, “Carlos, I want to go back and rest a bit first.”

Carlos looked concerned when he heard this, and said gently, “Okay, you go back first. I will come back to you later.”

The onlookers were very surprised. They didn’t expect that Ji Ling would dare to call Carlos by his first name so casually. Carlos not only did not get angry but also doted on him like this. They had thought that Carlos was only doing this for the sake of going against His Majesty, but now it seemed to be clear that he had a bit of sincerity toward Ji Ling. At least, on the surface, it seemed to be the came. The onlookers changed their minds and their thoughts were mixed up. They kept re-measuring Ji Ling’s value.

Did they guess wrong before? Did Carlos really like Ji Ling?!

Ji Ling received Carlos’s reply and turned around to leave. Suddenly, the waiter in front of the door loudly announced, “His Majesty has arrived!”

There was a sudden silence all around.

Ji Ling made a move.

Carlos looked up as well, narrowing his eyes as he looked over.

A handsome man with black hair and golden eyes, wearing silver-gray vertical collar clothes, came striding from the distance. His golden pupils, appeared to be more intimidating and cold for a few minutes under the sunlight, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Ji Ling suddenly felt a little nervous and subconsciously grabbed Carlos’s hand. He previously thought that Jing Sui would not come, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, Jing Sui still came.

They hadn’t seen each other since Jing Sui left last time. Ji Ling recalled Jing Sui’s promise to him and his painful appearance. He also thought of the negative impact his actions had brought on Jing Sui, so he didn’t dare to look at Jing Sui at all. ‘He can’t panic here!’

In public, Jing Sui shouldn’t do anything to him!

In the blink of an eye, Jing Sui had arrived before them.

The others had lowered their heads and avoided the scene, observing the scene thoughtfully. Even though His Majesty didn’t say a word, his aura was enough to make them afraid, not to mention… This was probably going to be a big show today. They didn’t dare to get involved!

Ji Ling leaned against Carlos and told himself not to be afraid! Finally, he mustered up the courage to look at Jing Sui.

Carlos felt inexplicably happy when he felt the teenager’s dependence on him. He took a step forward with a protective gesture, shielding the teenager behind him. He met Jing Sui’s gaze without hesitation and raised his eyebrows to smile gently. “Your Majesty is here.”

Jing Sui only glanced at Ji Ling and quickly withdrew his gaze, showing a smile, yet it was not. His voice was calm as he said to Carlos, “Of course, I have to personally come and congratulate you on such a happy event.”

Carlos showed a fake smile. “You’re welcome, Your Majesty.”

Jing Sui’s lips curled up. “It should be.”

Except for the moment when he first arrived, Jing Sui never looked at Ji Ling again after that and didn’t seem to care at all. Only then did Ji Ling finally feel relieved. It seemed that his worries just now were unnecessary. How could Jing Sui act recklessly in this situation?

He was the Emperor who represented the Imperial family in every word and action ah. From his previous life, it could be seen that he was a calm and self-possessed person. Even though he and Carlos fought fiercely behind the scenes, he had always maintained a false and peaceful relationship on the surface. He would not act recklessly, and once he struck, he was bound to hit the nail on the head.

It seemed that the marriage contract between him and Carlos had finally brought Jing Sui back to normal!

He didn’t expect this step to be taken…

Ji Ling felt a bit happy in his heart. ‘After you give up on this ungrateful dandy like me, you will find that Ning Yu is your destined lover and partner! He is the most suitable person for you. Not only can he help your career, but he is also very considerate. He is not a hindrance like me. Let’s leave each other alone and be good. Great!’

Thinking of this, Ji Ling didn’t want to stay any longer and watch their courtesy. He said to Carlos once again, “You can talk to His Majesty. I’ll go back first.”

Carlos smiled and nodded.

Ji Ling felt relieved. ‘Ah, it’s so nice to be out of the limelight ah!’
There were many guests in the front of the manor, but it was much quieter in the back. Not only was there a beautiful and clear lake but lush trees surrounded it. The scenery was beautiful and quiet, which made people feel comfortable inexplicably.

Ji Ling didn’t plan to go further. His mission for today had been completed, and he just needed to wait until the banquet was over.

He sat bored by the lake, picking up stones and throwing them in the water. After a while, he took off his shoes and splashed in the water. Finally, he climbed into a tree and slept for a while. Although he was hungry, he held back from going to the front. He found a few fruits to eat and casually wiped his stained hands on his clothes a few times.

The hyperactive teenager kept busy until it was almost dark. He thought to himself. ‘Why is this banquet taking so long? It’s really boring.’ Seeing that the sky was getting dark, he decided to sneak away quietly…

After walking a few steps, he met Jing Sui.

‘Oh, he’s here for a walk too?’

During the night, Jing Sui’s face was half-hidden in the shadows. It was somewhat difficult to see his expression.

Ji Ling remembered the false courtesy he had with Carlos before and thought that he should have already let it go and would not pester him anymore. However, he had still cuckolded him, after all, so it was best not to face each other alone. From the bottom of his heart, it was a kind of protection for himself!

He looked at Jing Sui, then suddenly turned around to leave. He didn’t see it, he didn’t see it, he would pretend not to see it!

However, the man behind him opened his mouth and called out to him with a cold and indifferent voice. “Long time no see.”

Ji Ling paused. Jing Sui already spoken, so it would be inappropriate for him to pretend he hadn’t seen it. He could only stiffly turn his head back and awkwardly said, “Your Majesty.”

Jing Sui came to Ji Ling step by step. On his cold and handsome face, there was an unprecedented coldness as he said lightly, “When do you plan to get married? Don’t forget to tell me when the time comes. I’ll prepare a congratulatory gift for you.”

Ji Ling looked at Jing Sui’s golden eyes. He obviously said worda very normal polite word, but at this moment, he felt creepy, as if something was wrong… A sense of crisis slowly crept up his back.

Ji Ling gave a dry laugh. “Okay.”

After saying that, he turned around and left, deciding to leave here first. Even if Jing Sui looked normal, he still felt that something was wrong…

But before he could take a step, the man behind him suddenly approached and pushed him hard against the tree.

Ji Ling’s expression froze, and then his scalp tingled with fear. He struggled to escape from here, but the man easily captured his hands and pressed them above his head. His cold face approached him, a playful sneering smile hanging on his lips, not the slightest bit of warmth in his eyes, only the darkness that seemed to be like an abyss.

Ji Ling had never seen Jing Sui look so terrifying. He forgot to move for a moment.

In his previous life, Jing Sui always looked at him with indifferent eyes, as he never put himself in his heart. He looked at himself like an ant or a speck of dust, much less taking the initiative to approach him.

In this life, Jing Sui looked at him with a gentle and affectionate gaze most of the time, but occasionally painful and regretful. He always pampered him and followed him, so much so that he sometimes forgot what a terrifying existence he actually was.

But now, it was the first time Ji Ling saw Jing Sui showing such an expression.

It was so cold, terrifying, complicated, struggling, and even vaguely filled with hatred that wanted to skin people and eat their bones, giving people a sense of fear that there was nowhere to escape.

Ji Ling was stunned.

After a long time, he finally reacted. Who the hell said Jing Sui wasn’t angry?! He must be pissed off! It’s just that he didn’t show it before, but I guess I don’t know how angry he is. He won’t pinch himself to death, right?!

Help ah!

Ji Ling suddenly became frightened. His face turned pale and said with a fierce expression, “You, let go of me! Don’t mess around. Carlos is outside!”

Who would have thought that as soon as these words came out, the look in Jing Sui’s eyes would become even colder? He suddenly came closer, making a meaningful sound in Ji Ling’s ear, “Really?”

You trust him so much, rely on him, and think that he can protect you… You’re still like this, intimately calling him by his first name. Do you think… I will hurt you?

You are afraid of me.

Jing Sui stared at Ji Ling’s face, which had lost all color due to fear.
Although he only spoke that simple word, it was like a knife was inserted into and pulled out of his heart, bringing up a piece of flesh and blood, causing him to ache to the point of almost numbness in pain. The blood in his body losing its temperature.

‘You’d rather trust the hypocritical Carlos than believe my sincerity towards you.’

‘No matter what I do, you refuse to believe me.’

The pain condensed in Jing Sui’s eyes, gradually turning into a deep black whirlpool that gradually engulfed his rational restraint, leaving only the colors of mad paranoia and grimness as he lifted his hand and gently stroked over Ji Ling’s cheek. His fingertips brushed over his lips, letting out a bizarre, low, muffled chuckle, “Carlos’s fiancée—— Do you know a popular thing among the nobles of the Empire?”

Ji Ling’s scalp nearly exploded with fear when he heard Jing Sui call him ‘Carlos’s fiancée’ word by word.

Jing Sui cupped Ji Ling’s chin and forced him to look at him. Looking into the azure blue eyes that were covered in fear, he showed a teasing and icy smile. “That’s an affair.”

Ji Ling’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe that Jing Sui would say such a thing. ‘Is he crazy?’

However, in the next moment, he saw Jing Sui approaching suddenly. His lips were less than an inch away from his, his scorching breath falling between his nose, and a powerful scent of aggression hitting his face. The man looked into his eyes and smiled as he said slowly, “May I kiss you? Carlos’s—fiancée.”

Every word of that sentence seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth with a deep-seated chill.

Ji Ling was going crazy with fear. He desperately struggled up and opened his mouth to shout for help, but the result was that the man had already kissed him ferociously! He pried open his teeth without mercy and plundered the breath from his mouth unscrupulously.

This kiss was unprecedentedly ferocious, without the slightest trace of the usual tenderness and compassion, only the ferocity of a beast remained.

Ji Ling was kissed into tears. He could only make a whimpering sound, but he couldn’t break away from Jing Sui’s hand at all. He only felt pain in his wrist. The man was obviously not satisfied with a kiss at all, and even roughly ripped his meticulous clothes away…

Ji Ling raised his foot to kick him but was suppressed easily. He was about to collapse, really dumbfounded… you’re not going to go too far this time, right?

Seeing Jing Sui’s tolerance before, he thought Jing Sui wouldn’t be angry…

Turns out he was careless!

No matter how gentle and doting this man appeared, he was still essentially the aloof emperor. His tolerance had a bottom line. Seeing that Jing Sui no longer restrained himself and his actions became more and more wanton, Ji Ling thought in a daze. ‘He’s not going to get killed here, right?’

Yingyingying, is he going to start from the beginning again? But this way of death is too miserable and shameful. He doesn’t want to die like this ah!’

Jing Sui pressed the teenager underneath him firmly, biting at his neck. Whenever he thinks of his beloved teenager, staying at Carlos’s side like this, being coaxed, possessed, and used by him… what is left of his sanity is fading into pieces, itching to just take him away so that he can never be coaxed by anyone else, or even see another person ever again!

That way, no one can take Ji Ling away from him.
Ji Ling felt a pain in his neck. The man’s sharp teeth graze the soft skin on the side of his neck, like a bloodthirsty beast that seemed to be ready to chew him up at any moment. He couldn’t help but show a look of despair.

Really fuck up QAQ

However, just as Ji Ling was about to give up on himself and prepare to start off again, a sudden harsh icy wind grazed his cheek! The silver-black cane pierced the tree trunk beside him! The force went right through the trunk, leaving only half of it exposed and swaying slightly.

Ji Ling was slightly absent-minded. After a moment, he snapped out of his shock.

Jing Sui paused for a moment and then slowly turned around.

Carlos lowered his hand. A layer of frost covered his elegant face, his eyes were cold, and his low voice echoed in the night, flooding with a bone-chilling tone. “Your Majesty has gone too far.”

The author has something to say:
Ji Ling: Fuck QAQ


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