The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth : Chapter 36 - Turbulence

August 30, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

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Chapter 36: Turbulence

Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina sat in the living room, looking at the mature and elegant middle-aged man before them. Their expressions were a little uncomfortable, especially Madam Marina, remembering the events of this period. There was also a hint of hostility in her eyes.

But dissatisfaction aside. Faced with Grand Duke Carlos, they still had to be hypocritical and courteous.

Grand Duke Ji Ting was silent for a moment and said, “Grand Duke Carlos, your intentions are clear to me, but please forgive us for not being able to grant your request.”

Madam Marina also smiled against her will. “Xiao Ling is just a stubborn and unintelligent child. It’s his honor to be liked by you, but I’m afraid he’s not suitable to be your wife. Please understand.”

It’s a joke!

How can they possibly marry their only precious son to this scheming Grand Duke Carlos?

They understand this Carlos more than Ji Ling. They are more aware of this man’s indifference and terrible personality. If Ji Ling really marries him, he will be played in the palm of his hand. Most importantly… they don’t think that Carlos is genuinely like Ji Ling. I’m afraid that it’s still a game with His Majesty for him to request this. His real purpose is to pull the Ji family into the war game.

No matter what angle, they cannot marry their son to Carlos.

If it wasn’t for his provocation, her son would probably be with His Majesty right now. Remembering her son’s depressing mood, Madam Marina’s heart felt unhappier. However, she couldn’t get mad at Carlos and only felt stifled inside. She still had to force a smile on her face.

Carlos looked at the wary and detached Ji’s couple and revealed an elegant and decent smile. His gaze looked sincere as he said, “I can understand your concern about this marriage, but I came here today with great sincerity. I sincerely seek to marry Ji Ling and promise that I will only ever have him as a lover. If I can do that, I’m willing to share half of the Carlos family’s fortune as compensation for him.”

At these words, Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina both looked at Carlos in horror. He isn’t crazy. How can he say such a thing?

The Carlos family is so huge and has a long history, involving industries all over the empire. It is enough to affect the economic lifelines of the empire, it is a behemoth! Even half of the family’s property is so huge that it is simply incalculable. Since he dares to say this kind of promise, there is no way that he will take his family as a child’s play. No matter whether it is sincere, he will certainly treat his son well.

But this is too surprising. Is it necessary…?

Imperial nobles have always been open-minded. It was common to have a lover or divorce after marriage. Some people only played with each other, which was not a big deal at all. They were only worried about Carlos taking advantage of Ji Ling, not that they were worried about whether Carlos would have someone else in the future. They can just break up if they have an emotional disagreement… but they never think that Carlos makes this kind of commitment.

At this moment, Ji’s couple were in a bit of a trance. Couldn’t it be that Carlos really fell in love with their simple and silly son?

How is this possible?

Grand Duke Ji Ting hesitated for a moment. Although he was beginning to believe Carlos’s sincerity a little, he was still unwilling to take the risk. He gave a sarcastic smile. “We know of your sincerity, but I’m afraid that Xiao Ling’s stubborn character is not suitable for you. There’s no need for this…”

Carlos smiled slightly. “That’s what I like about him. So, naturally I can tolerate everything about him. I can guarantee that my marriage to him has nothing to do with anything else——”

He gazed straight into Ji couple’s eyes. His eyes were deep and sharp as he slowly said, “I will not, for that reason, demand anything from the Ji family.”

The implication was that he only wanted Ji Ling, promising that he would not drag the Ji family into the battle between him and the emperor.

He knew what they were worried about.

Grand Duke Ji Ting fell silent again. This time, even Madam Marina was silent. Carlos had resolved everything they had feared with such ease that they could no longer find any excuse to refuse.

They quietly glanced at each other. Neither of them thought that things would develop to this point. Carlos could actually take this kind of step to marry Ji Ling, which was completely beyond their expectations. However, no matter what, they still felt that this kind of person was not suitable for their son…

Madam Marina gritted her teeth and said, “Thank you for your love for Xiao Ling. We believe in your sincerity. However, for something like marriage, the most important thing is the child’s heart. So, I’m sorry——”

At this moment, a cold voice rang out from the sidelines. “I’m willing.”

Madam Marina looked up in dismay and saw Ji Ling wearing white clothes. His soft blonde hair fell casually on his forehead as he gave a smile.

Ji Ling turned and walked from his place.

He walked ahead. Carlos looked forward to seeing his beautiful and exquisite face with his indifferent and calm blue eyes.

He walked step by step. His eyes swept faintly over Carlos. He opened his lips slightly and said slowly and clearly to his father and mother, “I will marry Uncle Carlos.”

Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina were shocked. Doesn’t their son always like His Majesty? Even if there have been some misunderstandings and unhappiness before, it won’t be because of that he likes Carlos ah? They know very well that Ji Ling used to treat Carlos as an elder.

Madam Marina took her son’s hand and lowered her voice. “Xiao Ling, what are you talking about? Haven’t you always liked His Majesty?”

Ji Ling smiled and said, “I don’t like him now.”

Madam Marina still wanted to persuade him. “But…”

Ji Ling interrupted her and said faintly, “I did like His Majesty before, but who says I have to like him all the time? Can I like anyone else?”

Grand Duke Ji Ting also couldn’t help but say, “Don’t speak in anger.”

Ji Ling was persistent. “I didn’t say anything in anger. I’m serious. I used to like His Majesty, it’s just because I don’t know any better and admire him. Now that I’m an adult, I know what a real liking is. Uncle Carlos has always been very good to me. I like him and I’m willing to marry him. Isn’t it possible?”

Grand Duke Ji Ting, Madam Marina: “...”

Ji Ling said word by word, “Mom, Dad, don’t you want me to be happy?”

They were speechless by Ji Ling’s words. They were reluctant inwardly, unable to believe Carlos. They thought that Ji Ling was still angry with Jing Sui and was coaxed by Carlos… But Ji Ling said this kind of words in front of Carlos. If they aren’t angry, won’t they be the wicked person who beat Mandarin ducks?

Carlos—— not an existence that they can beat out of the room ah!

Madam Marina was anxious, full of embarrassment and helplessness, wanting to drag Ji Ling back and criticize him severely. However, they looked at Carlos sitting there steadily. She was embarrassed to do so.

Grand Duke Ji Ting also had a stiff expression, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Seeing that the atmosphere had reached a deadlock, Carlos stood up. He raised his hand and stroked Ji Ling’s head with a gentle and doting look in his eyes. He then raised his head to face Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina. He smiled and said, “I know your worries about this matter. I also completely understand your feelings, but I will prove that I’m sincere to Ji Ling. You can rest assured to leave him in my hands.”

Seeing that things had come to this point. After a long time, Grand Duke Ji Ting finally revealed a determined expression as he said in a deep voice, “I can agree to your request, but there is one condition.”
Carlos said, “What condition?”

Grand Duke Ji Ting passed his wife a look of calmness and said to Carlos, “Ji Ling is still young and will inevitably do things impulsively. So, I hope that it’s only an engagement now. The actual wedding will have to take place a year from now.”

Even if the boy agrees to Carlos on impulse now, a year will be enough time for him to calm down and figure out exactly what he wants. It will not be too late to break off the engagement, which will also give everyone a buffer.

If Carlos is consistent after a year and Ji Ling still insists on marrying him, it won’t be out of the question for them to agree to the marriage.

Grand Duke Ji Ting knows that there is something excessive about his request, but he has to do it for the sake of his child’s future. He doesn’t want his child to regret the pain later.

This is also his bottom line.

Carlos gazed at him and nodded without hesitation. “I agree with this condition. Everything will be subject to Xiao Ling’s wishes. If there is a day when he is no longer willing to marry me, this marriage contract can be broken at any time. I will definitely not force it.”

Hearing Carlos’s words, Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was still some apprehension and anxiety in their hearts, they were no longer as resistant as they had been at the beginning.

What can they do if their son is determined to marry Carlos? They just hope the boy will come to his senses sooner rather than later.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Ji Ling said, “Mom, Dan, Uncle Carlos, I will go out first.”

Madam Marina and Grand Duke Ji Ting also followed him to go out too. When there was no one else, Ji Ling stopped and gave Carlos a complex expression of apology and gratitude as he whispered, “Thank you.”

Carlos’s deep eyes looked at Ji Ling and let out a low laugh. He said in a magnetic voice, “What’s there to be polite about with me? It’s just a matter of lifting a finger. I’ll let the entire world know that you’re about to become my wife so that His Majesty won’t be able to pester you anymore.”

Ji Ling nodded. His eyes were dim. He seemed to be immersed in sadness, revealing a forced smile. “When His Majesty gives up, we’ll break off the engagement. I’ve caused you trouble in the meantime.”

Carlos sighed and rubbed Ji Ling’s head, saying slowly, “It’s no trouble. It’s something I do willingly.”

Ji Ling was about to die from his cringiness and just wanted to go away early, pretending to blush in embarrassment. He lowered his eyes and said, “I go back first. Goodbye Uncle Carlos.”

Carlos smiled and nodded, eyeing the teenager’s hastily departing back. The corners of his lips slowly curled up.

Carlos did what he said he would do. That afternoon, the news that he and Ji Ling had entered into a marriage contract hit the headlines, becoming a national sensation overnight!

Just less than ten days after His Majesty’s public confession to Ji Ling, surprisingly, the news of Ji Ling and Carlos’s engagement came out, completely cuckolding Jing Sui!

This is too incredible!

That rich and powerful Grand Duke Carlos was getting married to the infamous dandy Ji Ling. He was still having His Majesty’s love!
His Majesty the Emperor had been cuckolded and his wife was robbed. The hatred for snatching his wife simply made them couldn’t live under the same sky ah!

This was some kind of shocking news!

Although they had political disputes before, but that was only a private secret fight, they were still harmonious on the surface. They wouldn’t take any irrational actions because of their status. After all, they represent too much… and now Carlos even directly crosses the line. It was simply facing Jing Sui in person! Fighting openly!

The entire country was thrilled and excited!

The Internet was full of all kinds of gossip every day. There were several other claims arguing for divergent opinions.

Some people said Ji Ling was a pretty boy that brought a disaster. Although he was a spicy chicken, he was really good-looking. They didn’t realize that Grand Duke Carlos and His Majesty were both people who attached great importance to good looks, but they made such a mess of grabbing this spicy chicken boy.

Others said that none of them liked Ji Ling and were just using him for their war game. How could their wise and majestic emperor and the elegant and noble Grand Duke Carlos look at that kind of hedonistic boy? What kind of beauties hadn’t they seen before?

Ji Ling stayed home and watched the fire across the shore.

Anyway, what he wants is just a name, and not really intend to marry Carlos. What he should do has already been done. Now let Jing Sui and Carlos go to tears at each other. He no longer has anything to do with it. When one of them wins, no matter whether Carlos is a loser or a winner, he can logically find a reason to break the marriage contract at that time.

The system was also watching the fun and couldn’t help but sigh: [You are really popular now.]

Ji Ling: [Do you want this kind of popularity? I’ll let you have it.
System: [...]

The system felt aggrieved. Recently, its host mouth has been getting more and more poisonous. He always takes it out on itself. However, thinking that Ji Ling can only do this in front of it, the system generously forgives him—— it is a quality system.

That night, Ji Ling returned to his room after dinner and encountered Wen Yan waiting for him again.

Ji Ling was almost numb for Wen Yan to follow him. This villain didn’t know where to draw a line in this life. He just liked to waste time here. He clearly didn’t care about him much in his previous life.
Is the rebirth crippling one’s brain?

It was a good thing that Wen Yan always pretended to be humble and courteous before him, so Ji Ling treated him a bit easier and more casually, frowning and saying, “What are you doing?”

But this time, this man, who always had a calm and humble attitude, had a face as cold as frost. His sharp gaze looked fixedly into Ji Ling’s eyes, saying, “You can’t marry Carlos.”

Ji Ling froze for a moment. Such Wen Yan made him alert all at once. He thought to himself that I hadn’t planned to marry Carlos either. However, he said in a cold tone, “It’s none of your business.”

Wen Yan’s chest rose and fell fiercely at his words. As long as he thought of Ji Ling’s impending marriage to Carlos, he could no longer continue to stoically act as if nothing had happened. The chilling air in his phoenix eyes was cold. He said in a deep hoarse voice, “If you think that His Majesty is taking advantage of you, can’t it be that Carlos is not taking advantage of you?”

As soon as Ji Ling heard that he was being persuaded again, he immediately revealed a look of hatred toward him and said coldly, “So what?”

Wen Yan’s heart was bitter. He closed his eyes in pain, so… you trust Carlos so much? Since you’re so gullible, and since Carlos can… what can’t I?

He opened his eyes with a huff. His black eyes turned over, and he suddenly stepped forward to grip Ji Ling’s wrist, pulling him to his face with one of his hands!

Ji Ling stumbled in his footsteps and almost crashed into Wen Yan’s body. His wrist was pinched. He raised his eyes to meet the man’s paranoid black phoenix eyes, subconsciously winced, and said nervously, “You–what are you doing?”

Wen Yan looked at the face of the teenager before him for an instant. The longing in his heart that had been suppressed, as if it had collapsed its constraints, scrambled to come out and to swallow up all his restraint. If the result is that Ji Ling marries Carlos, who has evil intentions, then it will be better… to let Ji Ling become his! 

Ji Ling finally got a little scared and shouted fiercely, “Let go of me!”

Wen Yan lowered his eyes, looking at the fearfulness in the teenager’s eyes and the slightly pale face…

After a long time, he took a deep breath and slowly released his hand. He lowered his eyes to calm down and said faintly, “I’m sorry.”

Ji Ling was really scared, and ran away! He didn’t dare to look back. Wait… Did Wen Yan join forces with Jing Sui long ago? Is he here to be a lobbyist for Jing Sui? It’s terrible!

Wen Yan’s gaze fell on Ji Ling’s departing back…

His eyes slowly turned gloomy. I think Jing Sui is very happy to join forces with him as soon as possible to eradicate Carlos. I won’t let you stay too long on Carlos’s side…

This time, I won’t let you go again.

So, wait for me.

Ji Ling felt that he had been careless before. He was so used to Wen Yan’s humble attitude that he almost forgot that he was a sinister villain. He began to vigilantly avoid Wen Yan. However, to his surprise, Wen Yan had not appeared since that day and seemed to have gotten busier.

Jing Sui also did not have any reaction. Let alone coming to see him, did he really give up this time?

That’s right… As the Emperor of the empire, he can’t steal someone else’s lover, right?

Ji Ling slowly breathed a sigh of relief. That day, he suddenly received a message from Carlos, inviting him out on a date.

Although he didn’t want to go out on a date with the older man at all or play along with him, Carlos made a good point of saying that it was normal for them to go out on a date since they were now engaged. It would look like the real thing and not be suspected by others.

Ji Ling thought to himself ‘What the hell am I believing you?! However, he still agreed to do it for the sake of putting on a full show.’

Carlos arrived to pick him up and brought him to a renowned hotel in Emperor Star. They sat in a private room with floor-to-ceiling glass, providing a stunning view. It was the perfect spot for a dinner date.

Carlos ordered Ji Ling’s favorite dish and looked as gently and doting as ever. “I’m worried that you’re always staying at home in a bad mood. The food here is very good. It’s all shipped from other galaxies on the same day. It tastes very good. Try it.”

Ji Ling thought to himself. ‘I know what you’re up to. You really don’t need to act so painstakingly.’ However, as a good actor, he still showed a sad expression and said with downcast eyes, “Thank you. But I have no appetite.”

Carlos looked at the teenager’s dull eyes and slightly trembling eyelashes, knowing that he still cared about Jing Sui. The jealousy in his heart climbed like a viper, but he didn’t show it. He just gave an inaudible sigh and asked, “By the way… Is His Majesty still pestering you?”

Ji Ling shook his head.

Carlos nodded with a worried look in his deep eyes. He said in a low voice, “That being said, we can’t take it lightly. He won’t give up easily.”

Ji Ling seemed very upset, but still said, “I know.”

Halfway through his meal, he felt tired from being submissive, so he made an excuse to go out and take a breather. It was only after leaving Carlos that he felt his breathing became easier. After all, that old fox was so vicious. He needed to be extra careful when acting before Carlos.

Ji Ling stood before the mirror in the restroom and said with a dazed look in his eyes: [What do you think of that old fox? I’ve agreed to be engaged. Why is he asking me out to date?]

System: [Probably he wants to act more realistically? After all, your personality is quite easy to coax. If you are completely devoted to him, he can use you more effectively to attack Jing Sui.]

Ji Ling: [Why are you suddenly starting to use your brain today…]

System: [I’m afraid you’ll be bald.]

Ji Ling: [...]

Ji Ling let out a breath. He had been out for a while and it was time to go back. However, as he turned around to come out of the restroom, he almost bumped into the tall, red-haired, gray-eyed man in front of him. Ji Ling’s expression became stiff, and then he showed an icy expression. He tried to go around the other person to go out.

As a result, the man took a step forward. His tall body was like a mountain, directly blocking his way.

Ji Ling:…

‘He is now upset when he sees Jing Sui’s lobbyist ahhh!’

Ji Ling said coldly, “Your Excellency the Marshal, please give way.”

Brandon looked at the teenager’s icy face and detached attitude, feeling extremely painful in his heart. However, he did not give in. Instead, he said in a serious voice, “Carlos is not sincere to you. He’s just using you. Do you know about it?”

Ji Ling let out a laugh and raised his eyebrows. “I know. I’ve had a lot of people say that to me already.”

Brandon was a little anxious. “Then you still——”

Ji Ling interrupted him with an icy gaze. “I know, but that doesn’t mean I believe it. Uncle Carlos has always been very good to me. He has never hurt me and always cared about me… But what about you guys?” He spoke heavily, word by word. “Have you protected me?”

Brandon paled.

Ji Ling laughed at himself. “You promised my father to protect me, yet you left me and handed me over to His Majesty, and then let me fall into Gabriel’s hands… In fact, you don’t care about my life or death at all, right?”

Brandon opened his mouth, but suddenly couldn’t refute. This reminded him of his previous life, when he also let the teenager fall into the hands of the rebels because of his carelessness. Then he suffered from torture and fright.

This time, he had thought that Jing Sui could protect the teenager before choosing to back down, but in the end, he still let the teenager get hurt.

It was his fault.

After a while, he opened his mouth to say in a hoarse voice, “I… I’m sorry.”

Ji Ling laughed a little, but his expression was calm and indifferent as he said, “No need. I don’t need your apologies.”

After speaking, he walked right past Brandon.

This time, Brandon didn’t stop him.

Ji Ling realized that he was getting good at disliking people now. ‘He can actually talk like this… sure enough, he is forced to do this. Otherwise, how can he get rid of these guys?’ The more Ji Ling thought about it, the more heartbreaking it became.

He just wanted to go back quickly. However, as soon as he turned a corner, his footsteps stopped again. Ji Ling looked at the handsome and upright black-haired, green-eyed young man leaning against the wall, revealing a vivid expression.

‘Why is he so unlucky today? Are these two guys guarding him on purpose?’

Ji Ling had a straight face. He ignored Ning Yu and walked forward.

But just as he was about to pass by Ning Yu, he suddenly opened his mouth and made a calm and gentle voice. “His Majesty and I never had anything. You know that, right?”

Ji Ling originally did not want to pay attention to it, but when he heard these words, he got angry again. ‘As the protagonist’s shou, you don’t follow your plot properly, but come to me to clear up your relationship with the protagonist’ gong? Are you going to piss me off? Do you think you can inherit my credit like this? You’re dreaming! I haven’t even used my credit in a long time!!!’

Ji Ling turned his head to look at him coldly. “Whether you have a relationship is no longer my business.”

Ning Yu gazed deeply into his eyes as if he wanted to see through him. He suddenly chuckled. “Really? You don’t like His Majesty anymore?”

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment when he heard this. His hair stood up on alert and his eyes turned red as he said in an angry voice, “Yes. I don’t like him anymore. Are you happy?”

He bit his lip and looked at Ning Yu fiercely, completely with a look of hatred because of love, but still had a stubborn attitude. He said that he didn’t like His Majesty anymore, but it was as if he was about to cry.

Ning Yu’s brows slowly frowned. In those consistently gentle green eyes, the slightest hint of iciness surfaced. He smirked and said, “In that case, then keep your word… don’t like him anymore.”

Ji Ling:???

‘Brother, aren’t you here to persuade me?

But without waiting for him to return to his senses, Ning Yu had already turned to leave, leaving him with only an unconstrained figure… 

Ji Ling:...

He stared blankly at Ning Yu’s back and was completely puzzled. Recently, everyone came to tell him that Jing Sui was sincere and asked him not to believe Carlos, and let him return to His Majesty’s side. Suddenly, someone didn’t persuade him and told him not to continue to like Jing Sui. It was simply a mudslide… no; it was a clear stream ah!

Hey, wait!!!

Ji Ling’s eyes suddenly lit up. ‘Can be it that Ning Yu is really interested in Jing Sui? Is that why he told me not to like Jing Sui?’

Otherwise, what other reason could explain why he would talk to me like this?

He was so confused during this time and even thought that Ning Yu also came to persuade him. He and Ning Yu were destined to be love rivals ah! How could a love rival come to persuade him, it was crazy, right?

Although Ning Yu previously cleared up his relationship with Jing Sui on the Internet before, that didn’t mean Ning Yu didn’t like Jing Sui! Maybe Ning Yu liked Jing Sui, but his lofty character didn’t allow him to show it. That was why he was so indifferent to him just now, not persuading him at all but taking pleasure in his misfortune.

Was there even that bit of hope for the plot of this world?

Ji Ling was so excited that he felt like he had been given a shot in his arm—— Ning Yu actually likes Jing Sui ah! This is the only good news in a while! Sure enough, you’re the most reliable brother! As long as you don’t persuade me to be with Jing Sui, we can still be friends!

He felt inexplicably better when he returned.

Carlos was still there, waiting for him.

The man’s mature and elegant face looked gentle under the dim light. He always had that calm look that would never change, making it impossible for people to see through his thoughts.

Ji Ling was about to open his mouth to say that he wanted to go home when he saw Carlos gazing at him tenderly, smiling. “I asked you out today because I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment and said, “What is it?”

Carlos had a smile and said in a low and pleasant voice, “I want to give you a grand engagement ceremony to show everyone how much I care about you.”

Ji Ling almost exploded when he heard this. It was already very difficult for him to agree to this engagement just for the sake of compromise. Now Carlos wanted to let this Ji-straight man-Ling participate in a grand engagement ceremony for two men. It was too embarrassing to be surrounded by everyone. He needed Carlos to forget about this idea!

Ji Ling said in a stiff tone, “It’s not necessary. It’s just a fake engagement anyway. Why do we need to bother with this kind of ceremony?”

But this time, Carlos didn’t agree with him. Instead, he bent down to gaze into his eyes. Those deep brown eyes with darkness and complexity intertwined with concern. He slowly said, “Even so, how can I afford to wrong you and make people accuse me of not being sincere to you? They will say that I’m not even willing to give you a mere engagement ceremony, let alone…”

Ji Ling was about to refuse, but Carlos suddenly raised his finger and gently pressed it to his lips, saying, “If we don’t, His Majesty will see that we’re just playing, and then he still won’t let you go… Do you understand?”


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