The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth : Chapter 35 - Showing Love

August 15, 2024 Oyen 0 Comments

Finally, I finish this one, happy reading~
Ji Ling looked at Carlos, who was kneeling on one knee before him. Looking at his elegant and noble face, gazing at the unfathomable brown eyes… His fingers trembled uncontrollably slightly.

He really can’t take this one ah!

Sparing him the script in hand, the plot of the second time, from God’s perspective. Carlos’s sudden proposal of marriage still confuses him.

What’s going on here? I’m afraid I’m not dreaming, right?

It’s bad enough for that lovelorn Jing Sui, but now the biggest and scariest villain in the entire book is proposing to him! This problem is out of the box! Will you be killed if you answer wrong ah?

Carlos looked at the teenager’s shocked and bloodless face, but his eyes were calm. He knew that the teenager had always regarded him only as a reliable elder. Of course, his marriage proposal would shock and surprise him.

Little by little, he would dispel the teenager’s vigilance, taking him under his wing, imprisoning him by his side.

Carlos had a gentle and worried look in his eyes, and he said, “His Majesty is a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Since he even does this kind of thing, he will never let you go easily until you have no choice but to choose him in the end. Although I would love to help you, how can I stop His Majesty from pursuing you if I’m a nobody? But if you’re my wife, it will be different…”

He paused and said slowly, “If you are my wife, I can protect you as a matter of course. He will be completely dead and can’t continue to pester you.”

Ji Ling: …

Seeing that Ji Ling was still in a trance, Carlos added unhurriedly, “I know this proposal is indeed a bit ridiculous. However, this is the only way I can protect you from His Majesty. You don’t have to worry, it’s just a name. We won’t really get married and I won’t touch you. As long as His Majesty is willing to give up… We can break the marriage at any time. You’re free.”

His gaze was so gentle, as tolerant as the ocean as if it was entirely for Ji Ling’s sake.

Looking at him, Ji Ling almost believed it.

But that’s impossible——

If Carlos is this kind of affectionate person, the sun will come out from the west! He’s really a terrible cunning old fox. Ji Ling gradually understood that Carlos was actually doing this to go against Jing Sui ah!

In previous life, when Jing Sui and Ning Yu had a gossip, didn’t Carlos also stir up the situation? He didn’t take Ning Yu in his eyes at all, but he also deliberately sowed discord. Although he didn’t do such a heartbreaking thing as a marriage proposal, there were also superficial overtures, trying to pull Ning Yu into his camp and destroy the people-friendly situation carefully created by Jing Sui.

In this life, Jing Sui showed his love for him in public, obviously aiming for him. So Carlos, the old fox, also used even more damaging tricks and even proposed to him! If he really agreed to his marriage proposal, wouldn’t he be a slap in the face to Jing Sui in public?!

Was it that much fun to go against Jing Sui?

It’s really not good. Not to mention that you’re a black belly, you’re also a man. I’m crazy if I agree to marry you, right?

Ji Ling pulled his hand out of Carlos’s as if it was on fire, revealing a surprised and uneasy look. He looked away and said, “No. There’s no need for this. I’m okay, You really don’t have to do this…”

Carlos looked at the teenager’s incoherent appearance and showed a helpless smile. He stood up and gently stroked the teenager’s head, saying, “This marriage contract is just an excuse to refuse His Majesty and protect you from being hurt. Once the matter is over, we can end this relationship at any time. You don’t have to have any burden at all.”

Ji Ling still refused and even dodged Carlos’s hand, biting his lip, saying, “But I–I can’t agree with you…”

Carlos wasn’t angry, instead, he smiled gently. “That’s okay. You can think about it again. As long as you need me, you can tell me at any time.”

Ji Ling said in his heart as if dreaming. I will put the words here today. If I’m willing to marry you, I will eat my head!

Ji Ling revealed a heartfelt expression. “You don’t have to say it.”

Carlos sighed softly and looked at him dotingly. “Get some rest. I’ll see you another day.”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He hadn’t planned to get the answer today. As long as he let the teenager slowly let down his guard, one day he would walk into his trap. As long as he could get him… even if he loves someone else. What does it matter?

Ji Ling sent Carlos away and sighed sadly. The butterfly effect resulted from the change of Jing Sui. This life, even the object of Carlos’s competition, had become himself. The crazy words of the marriage proposal were said, and the normal people couldn’t even guess the villain’s mind ah!

This is not a normal world!

As the gossip spread that night, public opinion on the Internet gradually developed in an increasingly uncontrolled direction.

Ji Ling denied his relationship with His Majesty in public, and the scene of Carlos’s gentle concern for Ji Ling was spread out with added fuel and vinegar… His Majesty the Emperor was cuckolded. The one who cuckolded him was Grand Duke Carlos, who had always been at odds with him! The melon eaters dropped their melons in shock. Many couldn’t believe the story and thought it was ridiculous!

But soon recent news came out. It was said that someone met Carlos by chance to ask about it. Carlos bluntly said that he liked Ji Ling, and had proposed to Ji Ling.

This news quickly swept the Internet like a hurricane. The popularity remained high every day. What kind of love triangle of the century was this ah! Previously, they thought it was a beautiful love between His Majesty and the waste. However, it turned out to be a dog-blood drama of a wealthy royal family?!

Two of the most powerful people in the Empire were competing for a dude at the same time. His Majesty was even the one being cuckolded.

At this time, Ji Ling was the calmest one. He had already expected this result when he did that.

Jing Sui and Carlos were originally incompatible, but now they are just putting this kind of fight on the surface. Since this is the case, let the two of them fight. It’s best to forget about him in their fight.

Anyway, from the previous life to this life, he is just a victim and a pawn in their struggle.

Most importantly, Ji Ling thought that Jing Sui, who was an emperor, could never endure such betrayal and humiliation. After this news was spread, he should not lower himself to entangle with him. Thinking about it from another perspective, if he confessed in public like this and was slapped in the face. He would definitely feel that he had no face to see people, let alone such a noble identity as Jing Sui. He didn’t have to agree to Carlos’s marriage proposal to get rid of Jing Sui at all.

All Ji Ling wanted to do now was to get himself out of there early.

Every day, many people went to Ji Ling’s personal homepage to leave a message. Everyone was watching Ji Ling, wanting to see what he was doing, and even asking him for verification, but Ji Ling never made any remarks, nor did he reply to any messages. He turned off his communicator and closed the door, looking isolated, letting the speculation outside ferment.

Madam Marina couldn’t sit still two days later and came to Ji Ling.

Madam Marina looked concerned and worried. “Xiao Ling, what’s going on with you and Carlos? Is everything said online true?”

Ji Ling was expressionless. He lowered his eyes and said, “It’s nothing.”

Madam Marina was anxious and couldn’t help but say, “I see that His Majesty really likes you. You have always liked him before. Why don’t you trust him and give him another chance?”

Ji Ling said lightly, “Mom, do you really believe that His Majesty likes me?”

Madam Marina didn’t believe it before but now she does, saying, “I believe His Majesty is sincere.”

Ji Ling showed a self-deprecating smile. “Even if he is sincere, isn’t Uncle Carlos better for me? If you want to compare sincerity, it’s Uncle Carlos who’s more sincere, right?”

Madam Marina said anxiously, “But Carlos…”

Tears glistened in Ji Ling’s eyes as he said, “Mom, stop talking and leave me alone, okay?”

Madam Marina: “...”

Although His Majesty was also a child with a deep heart, at least he was stronger than Carlos. Where would her little baby be a match for that ruthless and terrifying existence as Carlos? But no matter how much Madam Marina said, she couldn’t persuade Ji Ling. She could only leave helplessly.

Ji Ling stayed alone at home every day.

Let the wind and clouds surge outside.

On this day, he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head.

System: [I’m back.]

Ji Ling’s movement stopped. He used to always think that the system was useless and noisy, but now, even with such a simple sentence, he really missed the system a little as his eyes turned sour. However, he was still sulking, pretending to be unhappy. He said: [You still know to come back ah.]

The system also learned about the situation, not at all bothered about Ji Ling’s accusation. He said guiltily: [Sorry. The higher-ups are also very busy. I also queued up for a long time before I had the chance to meet with them…]

Ji Ling: [So you guys have a lot of bureaucracy going on there, too.]
The system laughed: [It’s not bad.]

Ji Ling: [So, how’s it going?]

The system paused and carefully said: [The successful passing of the last genetic evolution agent proposal became an important node that changed the direction of the overall plot of this world, causing the entire world to enter a state of natural derivation. Now, the plot of this world is out of control.]

Ji Ling: [Keep it simple.]

System: [... All the plots you saw before about this world no longer exist. From that moment on, everything is possible. This means you can just play freely without going through any more plots.]

Ji Ling is very angry. The plot is gone. So, have I waited for you to tell me? He has long started to play freely!

Ji Ling held back and said: [So, what’s the situation with the main characters being reborn? Is there any way to salvage it?]

System: [Well…]

Ji Ling’s heart went cold before he could listen.

System: [Each of them has an important role in this world. The protagonist’s gong is the son of destiny and is an important part of the world. The world process is uncontrolled now. For this point, we are still temporarily discussing what should be done…]

Ji Ling was expressionless as he said: [So, there is no way out yet…]
The system didn’t dare to speak.

Ji Ling was so angry that he didn’t have the strength to lose his temper. He said quietly: [Then, how else am I going to do my mission?]

The system thought for a moment: [Doing whatever you want?]

Ji Ling: [...]

The system encouraged him: [Things are what they are. Just do your best. If it’s a big deal, just start over. I’ll be with you.]

Ji Ling suddenly wanted to tell the system to fuck off again : )

Ji Ling was so exasperated by the system that he ate two extra bowls of rice that night. He was completely out of fuck to say about this messy plot.

As the system said, do your best?

Fuck. Telling him to do his best. So angry.

At night, Ji Ling soaked in the bathroom for a while longer. It was easy to let himself go while soaking. He sadly touched his head and grabbed his soft blonde hair. I don’t know if it’s an illusion or not, is it a bit bald?

Ji Ling: [Am I going bald?]

System: [No. I don’t think so.]

Ji Ling: [Lost a lot of hair again yesterday.]

System: [I counted. It’s only eight. It’s totally within the normal range, not much at all!]

Ji Ling: [I think I’m going bald.]

System: [You’re thinking too much. You have thick hair and look as beautiful as a flower. How many people can compare?!]

Ji Ling: [I’ve worked so hard on this and I’m still not bald?]

System: [...]

Ji Ling: [If I go bald. Will Jing Sui not love me? : )]

The system didn’t dare to say anything at all.

Ji Ling huffed and puffed. He stood up from the bathtub, casually took a bath towel, and draped it over his body, wiping his hair while walking out barefoot, only to have his entire body stiffen in place as soon as he went out the door.

Jing Sui was standing in his bedroom, waiting for him.

Ji Ling was dumbfounded for a moment, then his face turned red with shame and indignation. His pitiful parents ah. He said to leave it alone, why must they set him up with Jing Sui ah! He doesn’t need to think to know that it must be Madam Marina who put Jing Sui in!

Ji Ling remembered the various ‘cuckold’ public opinions outside during this period, as well as people’s ridicule, mockery, and slander of Jing Sui. His face turned white, and he almost wanted to fall to his knees. He turned around to run.

As a result, the tall, dark-haired, golden-eyed man came striding over, reached out, and hugged him tightly from behind. His hot breath fell on the side of Ji Ling’s neck. The man’s proximity caused the hair on his body to stand up in sweat as he shivered, wrapped in his bath towel.

Jing Sui tightly embraced Ji Ling. His expression was painful and depressed. After a long time, he let out a low voice, “You are like this. Don’t you want to see me?”

Ji Ling was a bit of a wimp, lest he be killed on the spot by the cuckolded Emperor. In order not to be snapped at by a man, he summoned up the courage to put on a cold face and said ruthlessly, “Let go of me.”

Jing Sui wasn’t willing to let go. He greedily sniffed the scent on the side of the teenager’s neck. These days, he wanted to come over all the time, but he didn’t know how to face it, or how to explain it. So, he had to prove to the world that he had feelings for the teenager in that way, hoping to be forgiven by him.

But… He still refused to accept it.

And Carlos was watching from the sidelines, even deliberately showing kindness to Ji Ling at this time, wanting to take the teenager away from him…

Thinking of Ji Ling’s unconditional trust in Carlos, remembering Carlos’s despicable tactics, Jing Sui, for the first time, feels such fear, fearing that he will completely lose this person…

Fearing that he can’t get closer to him anymore.

So, he came to ask Madam Marina to give him a chance to see Ji Ling.

Jing Sui’s voice was hoarse and painful. There was a trace of exhaustion that had never been seen before. “In the end, what do I have to do for you to believe me…”

Ji Ling thought that you don’t have to bother, you are really unimportant. The important thing is that I absolutely can’t accept you ah. Not to mention that I’m a straight man… Even if I bend, going home is also more important than falling in love!

But what made Ji Ling a little surprised was that Jing Sui was not even angry, to the point that it made him a little embarrassed. He was silent for a moment and sighed. “You don’t have to come to look for me anymore.”

Aside from those words, the truth was that Ji Ling didn’t know what else to say.

Jing Sui suddenly picked up Ji Ling and placed him on the table in front of him, looking up at Ji Ling’s face. His golden eyes reflected pain and a complicated expression.

Ji Ling froze for a moment at Jing Sui’s actions, thinking that this horny demon was planning to do something again, but it turned out that Jing Sui didn’t do anything. So, he couldn’t help but be slightly stunned.

Jing Sui just raised his hand gently, cupped Ji Ling’s face, and slowly made a bitter voice. “Be my empress, okay?”

Ji Ling: ???

He was so shocked for a moment that he forgot to be afraid. Is he dreaming? After being proposed to by Carlos, he is now being proposed by Jing Sui? What’s wrong with the people of your interstellar world? Why do one and all of them move around and propose randomly?

Can you be more discreet? Is the Empress's title a cabbage?

Jing Sui looked at Ji Ling’s shocked and colorless eyes. The sadness and grief in his heart slowly flowed through. He closed his eyes for a long time, showing deep and gentle memories. He said in a raspy voice, “When you were a child, you were always following me around, saying that one day you would be my empress…”

Ji Ling was silent when he heard this.

He almost forgot that he wasn’t the original ‘Ji Ling’. Perhaps the original ‘Ji Ling’ had said this, but unfortunately, he was no longer around.

There are always many things in the world, such as old-fashioned dog blood dramas, but they are tangible.

People always know how to cherish only after they have lost it.

Jing Sui tenderly cupped Ji Ling’s face. He approached and gently planted a kiss on Ji Ling’s lowered eyes. He solemnly uttered his promise. “From now on, the only person who will stand beside me is you. You will be the most honorable person in the entire world. I vow to guard you with my life. So…”

He said, “Promise me, okay?”

Ji Ling’s lips trembled a little. Looking at Jing Sui’s agonized face, he suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He didn’t even have the means to tell him that what you’re facing right now isn’t even the one who needs you to love anymore.

He cannot accept someone he does not love against his will just because he occupies this body.

Now, he somewhat believes that Jing Sui truly loves him.

No matter where this love comes from, at least for Jing Sui… he thinks it’s true.

It’s just a shame that the more this happens, the more Ji Ling cannot accept this relationship.

Jing Sui’s love—— is something he does not want to accept and does not dare to accept. Rather than wait until the fakeness collapses, it’s better to be cold now. He needs to break it cleanly. It’s good for everyone.

The look in Ji Ling’s eyes turned cold. At this moment, he was unprecedentedly calm, and said, “I can’t promise you.”

Jing Sui’s eyes darkened, and his thin lips pursed.

Ji Ling said cruelly, “I don’t like you anymore.”

Jing Sui looked fixedly into his eyes, but suddenly said, “I don’t believe it.”

Ji Ling said, “Believe it or not. I don’t like you anymore. Go away, and don’t come back to me.”

Jing Sui looked at the indifference in Ji Ling’s eyes and listened to his heartless words. After a long time, he smiled to himself. “Really? Since you don’t like me anymore, it’s not impossible for me to like you instead.”

Ji Ling was simply speechless to him as he said seriously, “I’m telling the truth!”

Jing Sui, however, as if he couldn’t understand, said, “I can pursue you again and wait until the day you are willing to accept me.”

Ji Ling: “...”

On Jing Sui’s handsome face, he had already recovered his usual unperturbed appearance. In his icy golden pupils was an unchanged and intimidating glare, saying, “I will prove it to you.”

After saying that, he gave Ji Ling a deep look and turned to leave.

He had never known what it meant to love someone before, nor would he ever love someone. Now that he knew, there was no way he could ever let go of him again. The word give up had never been in his vocabulary.

Eventually, he would eradicate Carlos, and Ji Ling would eventually become his lover.

Ji Ling saw there dumbfounded, watching Jing Sui’s declaration of love and leaving. After a long time, he returned to his senses, anger surging from his heart!

What’s wrong with this guy ah?! Am I not cold-hearted enough? I put a green hat for you and the target is still your arch-enemy. I also reject you mercilessly like this. How come you just react like this? 

Won’t you get angry at me?!

Where’s your self-esteem as a man? Do you still have it?!

Ji Ling was so angry that he simply didn’t want to speak.

Jing Sui probably doesn’t believe that he doesn’t love him at all. That bastard thinks he is having a tantrum with him! Pretend to be deaf, unable to communicate!

The system watched but was quiet as a chicken.

Finally, Ji Ling opened his mouth to break the dreadful silence. He said angrily: [What do you think I should do now?]

The system thought about it: [Not much?]

Ji Ling: [...]

Ji Ling’s face turned dark, pacing back and forth in the room. Although he was angry just now, after calming down, he thought Jing Sui’s attitude made him feel a strong crisis. He was still optimistic before!

He really hasn’t expected Jing Sui’s obsession to go this deep.

If this goes on, I’m afraid that there’s a real possibility that, as Carlos said, he will have to be forced to return to Jing Sui’s side. Everyone around him thinks that he’s deeply in love with Jing Sui and is only momentarily throwing a tantrum. Everyone wants to set him up with Jing Sui and do whatever it takes to make him happy…

I know from this time when my mother deliberately let Jing Sui in that he can avoid it, with nowhere to run.

How can he break Jing Sui’s heart? How can he make Jing Sui give up on him?

He suddenly remembered again what Carlos had said that day…

Ji Ling was lost in thought for a moment. Then, a look of determination slowly appeared on his face.

The system seemed to have sensed something and said: [Although the plot is no longer under control, this world still has laws that work on its own. So, it’s recommended that the host try not to expose his identity as an outsider even if you don’t go through the plot.]

Ji Ling: [Oh?]

System: [According to our statistics, the mortality rate of failure due to identity exposure is as high as 93%.]

Ji Ling: [I have no intention of revealing my identity. You’re overthinking : )]

System: [?]

Ji Ling stopped paying attention to the system and changed his clothes before opening his communicator.

Even though it was the middle of the night, Carlos picked up quickly, as if he had been waiting for Ji Ling.

The man’s holographic projection appeared before Ji Ling. He seemed to be ready to rest, wearing a black robe. His mature and elegant face had a hint of a smile. His brown hair wasn’t as meticulous as usual, it was casual and natural, lining his deep eyes that appeared a bit softened. He smiled and said, “Xiao Ling.”

Ji Ling raised his gaze to look at the man. His eyes were calm and seemed to have some hidden some of his indifferent side as he said, “Uncle Carlos. I’ve thought about your last offer…”

Carlos leaned forward slightly and seemed to be listening seriously.

Ji Ling pursed his lips tightly and paused for a moment.

Jing Sui and Carlos are the kind of arch-enemies who can’t wait to kill each other. Once one has a marriage contract with Carlos, it’s the same as getting on Carlos’s warship, completely tying oneself to the villainous Carlos.

But so what?

He can’t be with Jing Sui, who is the protagonist’s gong. That will be equal to giving up the mission… Instead of endlessly entangling with Jing Sui, it will be better to pretend to be with Carlos. He needs to break Jing Sui’s thoughts about him so that he will completely let go of the mind that he shouldn’t have.

Besides, according to his character, he is originally a villainous cannon fodder who annoys Jing Sui at every turn belonging to the villain camp. A villain is originally supposed to be with the villain.
And, of course, the last and most important reason…

That Carlos doesn’t love him.

Carlos and Jing Sui are not the same. Carlos’s proposal is just to use him. Carlos may pit him to death, to kill him, to get him killed, or he won’t have that kind of attempt on him. As long as he still has enough value, staying by Carlos’s side is the safest and most likely to complete the mission because they are just pure interest relationships.

Thinking of this, Ji Ling finally made a final determination.

He looked steadily at Carlos and said, word by word. “I agree with you.”

The author has something to say:
Ji Xiaoling: It’s a man-to-man, villain-to-villain, unemotional partnership with pure interest.
Carlos: It’s good that baby is happy.


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